Chapter 110- Bendy Sneaks Out

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Inky POV
I walked into mine and Henry's room. As expected I saw Bendy sitting on the bed. He was watching Cocomelon on Henry's tablet. I sighed and closed the door, walking over to him. "Bendy..."

"Oh! Hi bubba!" Bendy smiled. I sat down beside him. "So have to stay in here..."

"Why?" Bendy asked, confused. I sighed. "Joey's...back...he wants to kill you, you gotta stay in here." I explained. Bendy widened his pie-cut eyes. "J-Joey? Wait- IS PAPA OKAY!?" Bendy asked, fear in his eyes. I shrugged. "He'll be fine! He's got Sammy!" I said. Bendy whimpered, turning off his tablet. He hugged his knees. I sighed and pet his fur. "It'll be okay...I promise..."

Suddenly the door opened. Tomas walked in. "Inky." He started. I stood up, walking over to him. "What happened?"

"Henry...he's down...Joey made some sort of device that disables inks! He can't do anything!" Tom explained. I sighed, clenching my fist. "I...what about, Sammy?"

"His ink is also disabled..." Tom mumbled. I growled, not seeing Bendy run by me. I looked at, Tom. "What do we do?" I asked, terrified. Tom sighed. "I don't know...they aren't being as violent..." I sighed. "Let's keep an eye on them."


"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now