Chapter 25- Bendy's Aware Of Something

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((EDITED 12/12/22))'

Henry POV

I smiled as I kept on petting, Bendy. Inky came over a little bit ago and is watching Bendy very carefully. "Why don't you turn human in front of everyone?" I asked. Inky shrugged. "I don't like's uncomfortable being human..." They mumbled. I chuckled. "Okay then..." I said as I pet their head. Inky purred and cuddled their head underneath my arm so I was resting my arm on them.


2 hours have passed. Bendy was now awake. He said his ankle felt a little bit better and is now playing with, Sammy. I smiled at the sight. They were playing hide and seek, Bendy hiding and Sammy seeking.

I stared at Bendy who was now staring out a window. He looked, frightened. "H-Henry!" He shouted for me. I stood up and walked over to him, Inky behind me, crawling on all fours. I looked out the window, but saw nothing abnormal. "What's wrong bud?" I asked. Bendy whimpered and hugged me. I looked over to, Inky. "Does he have any ability's I should know of?" I asked. Inky nodded. "He has the ability to...for instance...look out the window like was just doing, and kind of see what's going to happen in a couple of hours in that spot."

"So...future telling?"

"I guess you could say that..." Inky mumbled. "What did you see, Bendy?" I asked. He whimpered louder and gripped onto me. "J-Joey..."

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