Chapter 75- Play Date

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

(Yes the next few chapters are probably going to be about the 3 toons! Mostly bc I wanna give the drama violence a little break! Don't worry, we will find out more about Henry's "condition" soon~)

Bendy POV
I looked at Alice in confusion. "A game? What kind of game?" I asked. She smiled and pulled out a huge box from under the bed. She opened it and revealed costumes of all sorts. Dresses, tutus, suits, bows, and other such things. She pulled out another box and opened it, revealing props. Axes, toy guns, flowers, and other such items. "Let's play, Sleeping Beauty!" She said. I nodded and Boris did too.

"Okay! I'm the princess obviously! Bendy can be the prince! And Boris, you're the fire breathing dragon!" Alice said as she pulled out our outfits and props. "Now look away while I change into my pink dress! No simping allowed in this area!" Alice hissed. Me and Boris turned our backs to her as she changed.

I looked at the ground and waited. "Okay! Done! Now your turn, Bendy!" She said as she handed me some pretend armor. I nodded as her and Boris turned around.

After I got changed I sighed. "I'm done!" I said. Alice quickly ran out and gave me a helmet. She then gave Boris wings and some pretend horns and tail. Alice put a crown on herself and hopped onto the bed. "This is the castle!" She said. Me and Boris looked at each other, then back at her. "Okay!" I said.

Boris went to guard the castle since he was the dragon. I grabbed the play sword and shield and used my stealth abilities and try and sneak past, Boris. It obviously didn't work due to his ears.

Boris turned to me and let out a playful growl. I screamed and ran away. "Bendy! You have a freakin sword!" Alice said. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face, Boris. I faced my sword at him and smirked. He growled again and pretend breathed fire onto me. I used my shield for protection. I then pretend stabbed the sword through Boris's armpit. He made a "bleh" look as he fell backwards.

I smiled in victory and climbed onto Alice's "castle". I looked at her and smiled. "Hello dear princess! No need to fear for I am here and I have come to save you from this tower!"

"B-But what about the fire breathing dragon?!" She asked in panic. I smirked. "He's been...dealt with!" I said. Alice giggled and ran to me, hugging me. "Now you have to kiss me~!" She teased. I blushed. "W-What!? But that's not-"

"That's what has to happen, Bendy! Everyone knows that every fairytale has a true loves kiss!" Alice whined. I blushed harder and nodded. "F-Fine..." I mumbled. I held Alice passionately as I stared down at her. She had a grin on her face as she looked up at me. I sighed and laid a soft kiss on her lips.

Suddenly she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down onto the bed. "Mmmm!" I groaned out in surprise. Alice pushed me off of her and yawned. "Okay! This princess needs her beauty sleep! And you know what every beauty sleep needs?" She asked. I shook my head, still shocked from the kiss. "Cuddles!" She said. I blushed extremely hard and looked away from her. "A-Alice! I know for a fact that isn't in the fairytale!" I complained. Though I knew deep inside that I wanted to. "Please?"

I groaned and nodded, crawling over to her. She pulled me down beside her and snuggled inside my chest. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her. "I love you, Bendy Boo~" She mumbled. My eyes widened. "W-Wait what?!"

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