Chapter 14- Human

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((EDITED 12/11/22))

Henry POV

I stared at Sammy in worry as he held his head and stood up. He seemed to be in extreme pain right now. I sighed. "Sammy? Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" I asked. He nodded rapidly and suddenly I could see something. His eyes...they turned into a...beautiful baby blue color. His hair started to become un-inky as it turned into a dirty blond color with little stains of ink here and there. His skin was starting to show paleness instead of ink. His clothes...changed? He had on a two colored shirt with a bow tie. Light brown overalls and long white socks, they were both inky.

I stared at him, then at my hands. "S-Sammy? Did I just...turn you human?" I mumbled. Sammy stared at me in confusion. He then looked at his hands and his eyes widened. "Wait a damn minute, what the hell did your hands do to me, Henry!?" He growled. Inky growled back at him. "Be happy, Sammy! He apparently gained the power to turn us all to humans with a simple touch!"

"Guys! Shut it! Your freakin the living hell out of, Norman right now! And I really don't wanna hear him whine!" Alice hissed. Norman was hugging his knees, whimpering it seemed like. Henry sighed and sat down by him. "Could Norman handle the pain well, Sammy? I figured you know him better..." I asked. Sammy shrugged. "He'll be fine..." Sammy Mumbled as he sat down next to, Norman.

I took a deep breath and touched Norman's back. He whimpered and his speaker on his chest turned staticky. His eyes turned colors, one gold, the other silver. His hair was a darkish brown, his skin was a couple shades lighter then his hair. He had wires coming out from the back of his head snd for his cheeks. His shirt was a light grey with ink all over it. He had a speaker on his chest still.

Norman stared up at Sammy and coughed. Sammy hugged him tightly as Norman did the same. "Their brotherly love still hasn't died down I see..." Inky mumbled. I elbowed them and rolled my eyes. "Shut it! They are cute..." I said.

I soon turned all of them Human

Susie ran over to Sammy and hugged him. Sammy hugged back in disgust. I chuckled and sat next to Inky. "What a day..." I said. Inky nodded. "Yep...but I'm glad it's finally over...everyone can go home now..." They said. I nodded, laying my head on Inky's shoulder. Inky purred and put their arms around my waist. " need it for the long drive home..." Inky said. I nodded and the fell fast asleep.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now