Chapter 79- Preparation

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Inky POV

I sighed and paced back and forth, my hands on each side of my head. "How could this happen! Why is all this happening!? Ever since Joey died it's been noting but a living hell here!?" I shouted in frustration as I punched the wall. Tomas sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Calm yourself, Inky...We can get through me..."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!? HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT AFTER THIS SOMETHING BAD WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!?" I growled, tears streaming down my face. Tom sighed. "Inky...I can't promise that...but I can promise that no matter what happens, we'll be here fighting for peace against, Joey..."

I groaned and fell to my knees, hugging them as I thought. "I...just wish that he never killed Joey...because this is exactly what he planned..." I mumbled. Tomas huffed and thought for a moment before groaning. "Inky...we have no time to mourn over this...we need to prepare."

I sighed and nodded, knowing he was right. "How though?" I asked, standing up. Tom thought and then looked over to me. "We need to take the fragile ones to shelter. This will get bad. Worse then when Joey took over your body." Tom mumbled. I nodded. "Who are the fragile ones?"

"Allison is pregnant, so her. Sammy and Norman are hard to revive, and then all the toons need to go. The others can fight." He said. I nodded and turned towards the toons room. "I'll start transferring them to the studio..."

"Is that really the safest place?" Tom asked. I shrugged. "I guess, Joey is dead, it's at least safer then here..." I mumbled, walking to the toons room. I could here a worried groan come from Tom before I went into the cartoons room.

Bendy POV

I hid under Alice's bed as I heard Inky yell. I didn't know what was going on. It didn't sound peaceful. Alice sighed and crawled under the bed, along with Boris who was whimpering. I looked at him and pet his head, trying to calm him down. Alice sat next to me, laying her head on my shoulder. "It'll be okay, Bendy...just let the adults handle this..." Alice mumbled. I sighed and nodded.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened. "Bendy, Alice, Boris, let's go." Said Inky. I tilted my head and crawled out from under the bed along with the other two. "Go where?"

"Somewhere safer." Inky mumbled as they picked up Boris and Alice. I whimpered
"S-Safer? Why is it not safe? Where's papa Henry!" I asked, panic trailing my voice. Inky looked scared as they sighed. "You guys don't need to won't be alone."

"Are you coming too?" Asked Alice. Inky shook their head. "No...Allison, Sammy, and Norman are." Inky mumbled. "Bendy, grab onto my leg."

I sighed and did as told. Inky then walked through the wall, on the other side was the studio. I gasped and gripped on tighter. "Joey's dead. It's safe here." Allison said from behind. "Since when did you get here?!" Alice asked. "Inky brought us here first...they decided to do you guys last so you wouldn't be scared." Said Norman.

I sighed and jumped off of Inky's leg. Allison sighed and looked at Inky. "I wish you luck Inky...I know you can do this...don't let those negative thoughts drag you down." Allison said with a reassuring smile. Inky nodded. "Thanks...we're gonna need it..."

Inky then turned around and was about to walk back through the wall. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. 'I'm not just going to abandon my dad...I'm going back with them.'

I quickly jumped onto Inky's leg before he left.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now