Chapter 80- It's Starting

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Henry POV

I sighed as I sat down on the bathroom floor, waiting for the ink to take over my body. It was so nerve wreaking, just waiting for something evil to take you over, not knowing what it's fully capable of. I just really hope I don't hurt anyone...

I grunted in pain as my head stung in pain. I grabbed each side of my head with my hands, groaning as tears washed down my face. 'Oh please...please tell me they have a plan...I-'

I got cut out of my thoughts with an extreme pain in my chest. I screamed in agony and fell over onto my stomach. I looked up and saw a faint figure standing over me. It's looked just like me, but...with blood and red ink all over. I groaned as I tried my best to fight it off, but this time, I couldn't.

I coughed as everything went black.

Inky POV

I clenched my fist as I stared at the wall, thinking. "Any ideas?" Asked, Wally. I shook my head. "Of course not...I can't think of anything to beat him...From what Tomas said, this ink is to powerful for even me to handle." I mumbled. Wally sighed. "W-We'll find a way! We always do...even if it seems as if nothing will work..." He mumbled the last part. I sighed and nodded. "You're right...we need to think of the positives...for Henry and the others..."

Suddenly I heard a loud bang on the bathroom door. I jolted up. "Go check that out, we need to make sure it didn't already take over!" Tomas shouted. I nodded and ran through the wall, coming into Henry's room. As expected, Henry was banging on the door. "Quit it, Henry...You're not getting out anytime soon." I spat. I could hear an unsettling laugh on the side of the door. "Oh~? That's what you think darling~! I have my is my house of course~"

I growled. "What are you doing with him...what do you want!?" I snapped. It went silent. I sighed. "I...just want to know why...are you really just an ink? Or are you Joey again...?" I asked. Henry laughed. "You'd be surprised! I can assure you that I am not, Joey. He was to big of an idiot to really notice me. Henry is smart. I like smart bodies~" He purred. I growled. "How can an ink have so much power to form into its own...personality..."

"I'm not like the other inks. I'm sure, Tomas, he already told you that, eh?" He asked. I huffed. "Correct."

"In that case. You should know what I'm capable of~! Less explaining for me!" Henry said. I growled. "You better let him go if you know what's best for you!" I spat. Henry just laughed. "Oh? What's best for me? That's funny!'s the other way around, Inky. I suggest you let me out if you know what's best for YOU."

"Over my dead body." I growled. "Then so be it. Your head will be on a spear by the end of today~!" Henry purred. I unsheathed my claws and growled. "Your threats don't effect me." I spat as I turned around and walked through the wall, walking back out into the living room.

"So how did it go?" Buddy asked. I groaned and sat down on the couch. "This red ink is seriously getting on my nerves..." I mumbled. "So I'm guessing it's taken over?" Tomas asked. I nodded. "It's like into own's...strange..." I mumbled. Tomas nodded. "Something like that." He said, writing something down in his notepad. "Tell me, Tomas...what do you know about this ink?"

"Well...I know it's extremely powerful and dangerous. It can kill instantly. About 3 times stronger then you? It can impersonate its victims and make it seem as if it has its own personality. Though it is really just controlling the victim and making them evil." Tom explained. "S-So Henry is still in control?" Susie asked. Tom nodded. "He is, but he can't do anything. His body is frozen, he's forced to watch everything happen." Tom mumbled. I sighed and stood up. "We should prepare, hide knifes and other weapons! Start hiding because he is not going to stay in there for much longer!" I explained. Everyone nodded and begun doing as told.

"I'm sorry, Henry...I'll get you back, I promise..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now