Chapter 73- The Visions...

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Henry POV

I groaned as I sat next to Inky on the bed. (Yes, he is dressed-) I sighed as I laid my head on their shoulder. "Inky?" I started. They tilted their head in acknowledgement. "Why do I...keep getting these Inks...? It's starting to get overwhelming..." I mumbled. Inky shrugged. "Maybe you're special? Maybe only you can be able to use inks like this? I think its bloody cool!"

I smiled. But then remember the vision I had. "I...I'm not sure if I'm going crazy...but...I had a saw blood...everywhere...and...other stuff..." I mumbled. Inky widened their eyes and stood up off of the bed. "Stay here...this is actually important information..." Inky said as they ran out of the room.

I sighed and looked down. The floor looked normal. But then it changed. I looked around and saw more blood. I stood up panicked as I kept searching. There was a message on the wall written in blood. It said... "RUN! THE RED INK IS NEAR!"...

I groaned as I fell to the ground. "I-INKY!?" I shouted. Inky ran into the room with, Tom. "What's wrong?!" They asked, sitting beside me. "V-Visions!" I groaned. Tom sighed and grabbed a notebook and pen out of his overalls. "Okay...Henry...are you good to talk?" He asked. I sighed and took a deep breath. "Yeah...I think there done..."

"Great! Now what did you see in the visions?" He asked. I stared at the floor and sighed. "Blood...lots of it...there was also a written message on the wall in said...Run...the red ink is near..." I mumbled. Tom nodded and wrote it down. "Anything else? Like people or anything?"

"I saw me...I was standing in the bathroom corner with blood all over my golden eye the colored ink streaks on my hands and legs were also red..." I mumbled. Tom widened his eyes. "Damn it..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now