Chapter 26- Brushing It Off/ Joey

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((EDITED 12/12/22))

Henry POV

My eyes widened. I looked out the window again, unsure. "It's probably just another one of those false visions..." Sammy mumbled. Inky nodded in agreement. "He is little, he doesn't know how to control his ability much." They mumbled. I nodded. " let's just brush it's not going to happen! Now...who wants dinner?"

Later That Night
Bendy POV

I whimpered as I tossed and turned from a nightmare I was having. I knew Joey was coming back, I knew it! I just...felt it...seeing the visions...I tried to push them away...but that window one wasn't the only vision I had of him today...

I shot up, holding back a scream. I looked over to see Inky and Henry, sleeping. I smiled. "So cute..." I mumbled. I jumped when I heard the front door open. I could have sworn Henry locked it. I whimpered and hid under my blanket.

Then the bedroom door opened. I was too scared to look at who it was. I kept quiet, making no peeps of any type. I then heard Inky growl, then go silent...

'OMG! THEY GOT INKY! B-But...that wasn't in my vision!' I thought as I quietly panicked. I then heard them take Inky out of the room, still keeping the bedroom door open.

Then...someone else came in...they grabbed my blanket and threw it to the side. I screamed, but got cut off by Joey stabbing a needle into my neck, making me go into a slumber.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now