Chapter 74- Sweet Accidental Kiss

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Bendy POV

I sat on the floor in Alice's and Boris's room. I heard Henry scream. He sounded as if he was in pain. I whimpered, worried. "A-Alice..." I mumbled. Alice made a "hmm?" Sound as she looked over to me. I had inky tears at the corner of my eyes. "D-Do you think Henry is okay?" I asked.

Alice sighed and walked over to me, sitting beside me. "Whatever is wrong with him, it'll be okay, Bendy! Inky and the others have it under control..." She said was a reassuring smile. I smiled back and hugged her. She did the same back.

Boris had a smirk on his face as he stood up and stepped behind me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and stood me up. I looked at him in confusion and tilted my head. "Why'd you do that?" I asked. He just smirked as he pushed me onto, Alice.

(Ah yes~ Boris is a major simp~)

'This wouldn't have been bad if I landed on her normally. But my stupid self looked straight at her as I fell onto her. Causing me to kiss her. ON THE FREAKIN LIPS BY THE WAY!?'

I blushed and quickly got off of her. Alice made a "mm!" Sound as she backed away, flustered looking. I blushed harder and chuckled nervously. "I-I'm sorry, Alice!" I said. She smiled and giggled. "It's fine, Bendy Boo!" She said. I stared at her, flustered by the nickname. Boris stared at us as he pretended to eat popcorn.

I huffed and growled at, Boris. "Boris you simp!" I hissed. Boris shrugged and continued to pretend eating popcorn. "Guys! I have an idea! Let's play a game!"

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