Chapter 114- Gaining Bendy's Trust

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Audrey POV
I sat down next to Henry on the couch. He was playing on his phone. I looked around, bored. I then heard something. A quiet yawn with tiny footsteps. "Papa?" Mumbled a squeaky voice. I looked over and saw that little demon again. He looked over and saw me, staring at me in fear. He whimpered, backing away. Henry looked over to him. "'s okay, Bud. She's nice now." Henry said, holding out his hand. Bendy hesitantly grabbed his hand. "Go see her." Henry smiled. Bendy gripped onto his hand and shook his head. "N-No!"

Henry sighed. I looked at the ground. Henry leaned back to the couch, thinking. He then looked over to me. "My credit card is in my wallet in my bedroom drawer, go buy him something, he'll love you for it." Henry said. I nodded, standing up. "How do I get to the store?"

"Ask Tom to drive you there, I trust him enough with my car." Henry said. I nodded, walking to Thomas's room. I knocked on the door and waited. The door then opened, revealing, Tom. "Yes?" He asked. I stared down at my hands. "I Uhm...Henry asked if you would drive me to the store?" I mumbled. Tom raised a brow. "I...don't remember how to drive."

"You'll remember, just do it." Henry said. Thomas rolled his eyes and sighed. "Get yourself ready, I'll grab the keys." Tom said. I nodded.

At The Store

We managed to get to the store, unharmed. Tom was a surprisingly good driver. I walked to the toy isle of the store and looked around. Nothing caught my eye though. That was until I came across a wooden toy train. I smiled and grabbed it. "I hope he likes trains..." I mumbled, walking to find, Tom.

Once I found him we made our way to the checkout and bought the toy. "You think he'll like it?" I asked. Tom nodded. "He's never really gotten a toy before, he'll love it." He smiled. I smiled back and nodded.

Back At Home

I sighed as I walked into the house. I was carrying the bag with the toy in it in my hand. I saw Henry was sleeping on the couch, Inky next to him. They were both snuggling. Tom snickered and walked past me. "He is probably in the toon room, I'll send him out here, stay here." Tom said. I smiled and nodded.

I waited, getting a bit nervous. Then I heard those same little footsteps. I saw the little demon standing at the edge of the couch. He stared at me in fear, whimpering. "Hey, Buddy...I got you something..." I smiled, handing him the bag with the toy in it. He hesitantly took it, backing away from me. He sat on the ground and opened it, pulling out the toy train. His eyes lit up. He smiled brightly and looked at me. "Look...I really am sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you!" I said. He nodded and stood up, running over to me and hugging me. I gasped in shock and smiled. I hugged him back carefully. "Say...what's your name?" I asked. He looked up to me. "Bendy."

"Wait- Bendy? Your real?" Bendy stared at me, confused. "Well...yeah? Who did you think I was?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know? Another demon?" I snickered. Bendy laughed. "That's silly!"

I then heard a growl. "Bendy. You're supposed to be sleeping." Said, Inky. Bendy smiled nervously. "Sorry, bubba...can I sleep with you?" He asked. Inky sighed and nodded. Bendy then jumped up onto the couch and snuggled with them. I smiled and sat down on the other couch. Time for some shut eye.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now