Chapter 46- Bathing The Demons

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

Henry POV

I yawned and sat up in my bed. Inky was curled into a ball next to me. Bendy was staring at me from his crib. I smiled at him and stood up. "You hungry, Bud?" I asked. Bendy nodded and jumped up and down repeatedly. "I need to get you a toddler bed...I feel like I'm trapping you in this crib...especially when you probably have a phobia of locked spaces, thanks to, Joey..." I mumbled. Bendy whined and held out his arms for me. I smiled and picked him up.

Bendy purred and nuzzled his head into my neck. "Wally! Buddy!" He said. I smiled and set him down on the couch. "They aren't awake yet, Bud..." I said. Bendy whimpered and hugged his knees, his tail wrapped around them too. "You want a bath again? With Inky?" I asked. Bendy nodded repeatedly. "Okay then! Let's get you something to eat first! Bacon soup?" I asked. He nodded.

I smiled and walked into the kitchen.

After Breakfast and when Inky's awake

I smiled as Inky purred at my feet, rubbing their body against them. Their tail was arched up in the air. Bendy stared at me and whined. "Bath!" He said. I looked at him then smirked down at Inky. "Inky~ I have a surprise for you~" I cooed. They stared up at me in confusion. I stood up. "Come with me you two!" I said. They both followed me into the bathroom in my room. I have two bathrooms in this house. One in behind a door in my room. The other in the hallway.

The bathtub was a bit bigger, that's why I thought this would be better if I wanted to fit both demons in one bath. After they came in, I locked the door. Inky stared down at me. "What are we doing here?" They asked. I smirked and walked over to the bathtub, turning on the water. Inky raised his tail, alerted as they stared at the water. Bendy on the other hand loved it. He ran over to me and jumped up and down, wanting to be held. I picked him up and took off his bow tie. I then placed him in the warm water.

Inky then realized what I was doing and hissed as they curled up in a corner, on all fours. I sighed and stared at them. "Come on! It's just water!" I said. Inky shook their head and growled. I huffed. "I guess you don't want a kiss..." I mumbled. Still, Inky just sat there. "What kind of kiss?" They asked. I stared at them, shocked. 'Oh Hell no, he did not just ask me that!'

I crossed my arms. "A either get in the tub willingly, or have me get Norman involved." I said. Inky then perked their ears and ran over to me. I knew they hated Norman, he was strong and apparently a simp from what Inky said. I rolled my eyes and took off Inky's Bow-tie. "Won't my ink come off?" They asked. I shook my head. "You were born from the ink, so was, Bendy! The ink just regrows on you before you could see what's underneath." I explained. They huffed and tapped the water.

I stood up. I thought it would be funny for what I was about to do. Inky jumped up on the railing of the bathtub and stared at the water. They kept touching the water and then flinching. I smiled. "ENCORE!" I shouted as I pushed them in. Inky gasped and growled like a cat getting in the bath. They tied to get out, but kept falling backwards. Bendy giggled as I laughed. "Inky! It's okay! the water is not evil!" I laughed out. Inky finally calmed down a bit and huffed.

Inky stared at me suspiciously as I got the bottles of soup and towels. I walked over to them and placed the stuff down on the floor. Inky then reached out and grabbed me, pulling me in the bath. I yelped and glared at him. "INKY! WHY!?" I shouted. Inky just laughed. Bendy giggled and hugged my arm. "Yay! Henry has joined us!" He said. I smiled and sighed. "Whatever..." I mumbled as I got the shampoo.

After the bath

I finished getting the demons ready and dried as I went to put on new clothes since mine were soaked. Inky purred and followed me, apparently loving my scent. I looked at them as they stared down at me. "You said you'd kiss me~" They purred. I blushed. "No! I have to get dressed now!" I said. Inky huffed and grabbed me by the arm. Of course Bendy was watching this. "No! Stop hurting, Henry!" He said. Inky looked over at him. "Do you want siblings?" They asked. Bendy nodded. Inky grinned. "Then let me have, Henry~"


I was then cut off my them kissing me, roughly. I smiled through the kiss and kissed them back. Bendy found it gross and left.

Inky separated from the kiss. "I'll give you time to think about the "sibling? Thingy, Doll~" They purred as they walked away. I blushed and sat down on my bed, still in my wet clothes. "Ugh...I hate my life..."

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