Chapter 41- Breaking The Chains

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

Henry POV

I stared in horror at the demons. Bendy was locked up in a cage, chains around his neck with blood dripping from his neck and stomach. Inky was chained to the ground by the wall, a chain around their neck as well. I sighed and looked around for anything to break the cage door with.

Tom smirked and turned into his toon form. "Back away, Henry!" Allison shouted as she ran as far away from the cage as possible. I followed behind her. Tom then raised his metal arm and punched the cage door, opening it. I ran into the cell (cage) and grabbed the cage bendy was in. Tom signaled that he was going to break the chains off of, Inky. I nodded and walked out of the cell, holding Bendy's cage. " do we get him out and break the chains without hurting him?" I asked. Allison thought for a moment, then pulled out her sword. Bendy stared up at her, fear in his pie cut eyes. "Okay, Bendy darling...don't freak out! I'm going to get you out...but I'm going to try and cut the chains..." Allison mumbled, sounded as non-threatening as possible. She gently placed to sword on the chain and started sawing it.

I watched, cringing whenever she got the sharp blade close to, Bendy. Finally, the weak chain snapped, making Bendy now free. He quickly crawled out and reached out his arms for me. I grabbed him, holding him as close as possible, trying to be careful not to hurt him from his open wounds.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around, there was Inky. I smiled and hugged them. They hugged back, purring.

I could hear Allison and Tom snickering. I sighed and handed Bendy to, Inky. Bendy was now asleep from all the stress. " I need to go save Wally and Buddy...then we can Leave."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now