175: Gambler

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Izumi and Katsuki jumped down the trapdoor and landed into the sewers and had to keep quiet for a few seconds. They crept down the small path until they were away from where the door was and could finally exhale with relief. 

"Geez, that was close. How the hell'd you know about this place?" Katsuki asked. 

"When I dropped my earring earlier, I saw the cracks in the floor, that's when I remembered seeing a label of a trapdoor in the floor plan the Captain showed us in the meeting. I did some research last night on just the floor plan of what's under the Casino and found out that this will lead us back to the Chief and Captain." Izumi said. 

'Damn, I didn't even notice the trapdoor, at least she thought of something.'

"So I'm guessing you had to find some way to tell me by acting?" 

"Y-Yeah, it wasn't bad... was it?" she asked. 

"Hmph, are you kidding..." he paused and smirked at her. 

"I was almost fooled until you told me to lift the table." he said as he leaned close to her. 

"O-Oh, t-that's good. Y-Your acting was... very good too." she mumbled as she averted her eyes from him. 

"That wasn't acting." 

Her eyes looked up at him and could tell how serious he was with what he just said. "T-That... what?" 

Before Katsuki could repeat himself, he jerked his head and thought he heard footsteps coming near them. 

"We gotta move." he said. 

"They're following us already?" 

"C'mon, no time to waste." he said and quickly grabbed the greenette and picked her up off the floor and carried her bridal style. 

"Ack! Kacchan, what're you-" 

"Don't scream, unless you wanna get caught." he said and started running with her in his arms.

Izumi wasn't used to this, as it felt like she had to hold her breath while Katsuki held her in his arms and ran wherever he thought was the right way. 

"You think they're still following us?" 

"Don't know, you try looking back." Katsuki stated. 

Izumi slowly lifted her head to look back and could see a lot of men–about 20 or 30–running after them. 

"That's a solid yes!" 

"Then I better step it up, hang on." Izumi had no choice but to wrap her arms around the blond's neck as he picked up the pace and ran faster. They turned the corner, and the second they did, they heard something that sounded like a sizzle. 

"Do you hear that?" 

"That doesn't sound good." Katsuki looked down at the ground to see a spark on a thread that was burning out and getting closer to the wall. 

"Oh shit!"

The entire area exploded and the sound of neither the blond or greenette could be heard. The men walked up to the exploded area and couldn't see either the greenette or blond, as they assumed they only died in the explosion. 

"The explosives must've got 'em, they're probably dead in the ruble." one man said. 

"Let's head back and report to the Master." another man said and the sound of their footsteps faded until they were completely gone. 

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