Chapter 10

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After dinner yn went to her mom..

Yn- mom, can I go to jungkook’s room? He told me he will show me his games..

Yn’s mom- yes.. Yn.. you can go.. And look you don’t have to ask me for permission when you are going to see him..

Yn- okay mom..

Yn went to jungkook’s room and stood in front of the closed-door.. She didn’t know what to do as whenever before she came in, the door was half-open, and now it was closed.. Yn knocked on the door.. Jungkook opened the door in a few seconds.. When he saw yn he had a huge smile..

Jungkook- you came!!! I thought you will not.. 

Yn- did you leave me any option?

Jungkook- what excuse did you make?

Yn- you are going to show me your games..

Jungkook- nice one..
Yn went and sat in jungkook’s bed, while, jungkook was doing something on his phone.. When did put his phone on the bedside table and looked at yn, and then looked at the door..

Jungkook- let me close the door first.. Anybody can come to disturb us..

Yn didn’t say anything.. She was processing, that this room is going to be her room, from next week.. 

Yn- you have all your things here now?? Yesterday it was a mess.. 

Jungkook- I have everything I need right now, but I have to shift from this room bcz of redecoration tomorrow.. So I am just making it work.. 

Yn- it looks alright..

Jugnkook- my cupboard is too small, it will not fit your clothes, so mom ordered some new stuff, like cupboards, a new bed, a new dresser, basically new everything..

Yn’s face lit up - really?? Everything for me??

Jungkook- look at you enjoying yourself thinking about new stuff..

Yn- why?? Aren’t you happy??

Jungkook sat on the bed- I am excited, but for my new wife only…

Yn blushed…

Yn- I am going home tomorrow morning.. So I guess I will see you at the wedding..

Jungkook sighed- ya.. I know.. I will miss you.. But I guess it is for good, as I need to prepare everything before you come here.. 

Yn- ya.. I also have to pack all my stuff and books and clothes and everything, basically my life..

Jungkook came close to yn, and put his right hand on yn’s left cheek..

Jungkook- I know it is tough for you.. You didn’t know about this, and you are also prepared, but don’t worry, I am here.. 

Yn looked down…

Jungkook pulled her chin up and looked directly in her eyes- I know that you are doing this for your father’s company, but I am a kid too.. I also don’t know how life works, but I promise, I will try my best to take care of you..

Yn– aww.. You are suddenly talking like a husband.. What got into you??

Jungkook- what?? 

Yn- you always flirt and make fun of me, but now you are talking seriously and it feels like you are already my husband.. 

Jungkook- and it is night and you are in my bed.. Now that I come to think about it, it surely feels like I am your husband.. Come let's sleep together..

Jungkook pulled her into a hug while chuckling…

Yn pushed in back in his chest..

Yn- what are you doing?? I am not going to sleep with you..

Jungkook- why??

Yn- wait for some days..

Jungkook laid down on the bed, while his arm is spread, and sighed and pouted.. He started over acting suddenly…

Jungkook- why god why?? Why is it so taugh to make yn come close to me?? She didn’t even kiss me??

Yn- what a drama!!!!

Jungkook- you want our wedding kiss to be our first kiss?? 

Yn- yesss…

Jungkook- did you ever kissed anyone??

Yn- noo..

Jungkook- do you even know the technicalities of a kiss??

Yn- what technicalities??

Jungook- I knew it.. You don’t know.. Look at me.. I have experience.. You can’t make a perfect kiss on the first try.. You gotta practise it beforehand.. There are many types of kisses and many ways to do it.. How will we know what kind we should do at our wedding?? It will look odd…

Yn- what are you talking about???

Jungkook- look.. I know we are young, but still, you gotta kiss right at your wedding.. This picture will stay with us forever… our kids and even our grandkids will see this and they will judge us if it is not right..

Yn really didn’t know anything about the kiss.. She saw some kissing scenes but never thought of herself kissing anyone.. She thought jungkook knows what he is talking about??

Yn- then…

Jungkook- let me show you…

He suddenly sat straight in the bed, bending both of his knees, put his hands on yn’s waist and pulled her close.. Before yn could stop or say anything, he smashed his lips onto yn’s..

He just stayed still.. Their lips didn’t move.. Yn’s heart was racing, and she had no option of moving, as his grip was so tight around her waist..

After 10-sec jungkook pulled back… opened his eyes..

Jungkkook in a husky and low tone- this is peck, but it will not look cool at the wedding.. Come,....

As he said come and smashed his lips onto her’s again.. This time was a little rough.. He was sucking both of her lips.. Yn didn’t know how to kiss, but somehow, she didn’t know how to respond to him, but her body responded without her knowing.. As soon as yn kissed him back, jungkook pulled her even closer to him.. Her body smashed into his body.. There was no gap between then.. 

Jungkook suddenly bit her lower lip, which make yn to moan and she parted her lips, which made jungkook gain entry into her mouth, and he played with his tongue.. Yn liked it.. Yn tilted her head backwards, and jungkook moved forward.. It went on for some time before jungkook pulled out and looked at her.. 

Feeling jungkook pull-out, yn opened her eyes and looked at jungkook.. He was breathing heavily and he had a hunger in his eyes… yn felt like he will eat her alive… yn tried moving away from him, but jungkook forced her to stay, which made both of them fall on the bed, jungkook on top of yn…

Jungkook didn’t waste a little bit of time, he smashed his lips again… he was kissing her aggressively this time, yn also responded to his kiss.. They kissed like that while laying down for several minutes, finally, yn hit jungkook’s chest, as she couldn’t breathe anymore, and jungkook pulled apart…

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