137. Shock

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The school was going well for yn.. It was hectic, but the office was good too.. She finished her business course, which resulted in mr jeon asking her several business related basic questions, which is answered correctly..

Mr jeon- i would ask you to take another business class.. One of my friends has a business course, you can take it online..

Yn- sure sir..

Mr jeon- but yn.. Talk to me like a daughter, are you too much stressed or pressure with work and studies already..???
Yn smiled- can i call you dad??

Mr jeon nodded in a yes..

Yn- dad.. We choose this.. And you are only seeing me on a daily basis, but jungkook is working hard too.. He is doing two jobs while doing college.. And i am basically doing nothing.. Just studying, and this.. All the expenses are actually on him..

Mr jeon- he is the man.. Your husband, and he should do that.. He needs to take care of you..

Yn smiled- he thinks that too.. But he is young too.. It wasn't his choice to get married this early, but he did it anyway.. And now he doesn't eve get 3 hours of sleep..

Mr jeon- and you??

Yn smiled- how can i sleep when he is working so hard.. ??

Mr jeon- i asked him to join the business, then he wouldn't have to work double..

Yn smiled- dad.. I respect you so much.. And you know that.. But you can never stop people from achieving their dreams.. This company was your dream.. Not his.. His dream is architecture...

Mr jeon- this company was your father's dream too..

Yn sighed- i know.. That is why, i am working here.. I can't give it all up, on which you guys worked so hard..

Mr jeon- i would raise you salary..

Yn- would you do it to your employee or to your daughter in law??
Mr jeon- employee..

Yn- bcz i don't want any special favor..

Mr jeon smiled- your boss recommended for your raise.. I am not doing any favour.. In this industry, we should never do any favor to anyone who is related to us.. Bcz it always turns toxic in the end..

Yn- thank you..

Mr jeon- for a second, think that you are just an employee and i am your boss.. And then answer me honestly what you think from that point of view..

Yn nodded in agreement..

Mr jeon- i have noticed your progress.. And the workload you are taking on daily basis in the office, and even in school.. I talked to your principal and class teacher, they told me everything.. And you have even completed the beginner level course easily.. I think you can do anything.. You really can.. I am here in this industry for a long time, and i know when i see genius in anyone.. And you are one of them...

Yn nodded..

Mr jeon- if you want to make everything easy for you and jungkook.. Then learn it as fast as possible... and struggle for this one year.. And when you complete your work, you would really get a high position in the company, which can lead to a lot of money, and a little more time for your guys to spend with each other.. Think about it.. If you agree, and then mail me tonight.. And i will recommend you to different departments to learn new things.. Take you time..

Yn- okay sir.. I will...


Jungkook wasn't going to pick her up today.. He had a urgent official work, so he had to stay a little longer in the office, and yn had to go back on her own...

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