145. News And An Innocent Life

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Yn was lying in the bed, with the pull over on.. Jungkook came and sat beside her...

Jungkook- what is wrong?? You never lay down like this at this time?? Don't you have to study or work?? Who is going to cook today???

Yn- jungkookahh.. I am not feeling well..

Jungkook placed his palm on her forehead and then her cheeks, checking the temperature..

Jungkook- temperature is normal.. What happened??
Yn- cramps..

Jungkook smiled- i never heard you being defeated by cramps..

Yn- ya.. Bcz everytime they are not this strong.. But today I worked so hard in the office.. But.. Now it's really too much... I talked with Aera unniie.. She told me to take a day off.. Maybe i am working too hard.. Bcz this never happens...

Jungkook smiled- you are going to take a day off?? Highly unlikely situation..

Yn made a pout- i really want to.. And I asked dad already.. He told me to take a day off tomorrow.. I would not go to school... I want to sleep..

Jungkook- baby are you alright?? I am scared now.. You never ask to rest.. Do you need to go to the doctor??

Yn smiled- no.. I don't need one.. Everybody has period cramps.. Nothing abnormal..

Jungkook smiled- then i will not study.. I wanna get in bed with you.. Let's cuddle..

Yn smiled- but I want food..

Jungkook- what do you want??

Yn- rameyon...

Jungkook- okay...

Hurriedly he went to the kitchen.. And made two bowls of instant ramen and brought them to yn in the bed.. Yn took a mouthful..

Yn- wow.. So good.. This tastes so good.. Just like your love...

Jungkook blushed really hard- where are you learning these??
Yn- what???

Jungkook- these cheesy cringy pick up lines...

Yn- i googled them...

Jungkook chuckled- you look so cute when you say things like these..

Yn sighed- i don't have an option.. I have to do everything in my power to make you happy.. Otherwise the sexy girls in the college will say it.. And you will say they look cute..

Jungkook chuckled- this.. This thing makes you, YOU... so jealous...


Yn woke up late.. Last night was a good night... she slept so well... and when she woke up jungkook was getting ready to leave...

Yn- you had breakfast???

Jungkook- no.. I would buy something..

Yn- no.. I would make you a sandwich.. Otherwise you won't eat.. You still have time.. Sit down..

Yn quickly made a sandwich, and put the plate in front of him... jungkook ate with a smile.. He is such a nice loving person.. Not a single day he made her feel bad deliberately..

Jungkook- you aren't going to eat???

Yn- i will.. I will be at home.. So I can eat at any time..

Jungkook smiled and ate as quickly as possible.. And then he was going to kiss yn.. But she stopped him..

Yn- i didn't brush..

Jungkook- i don't care..

He kissed her goodbye.. And hurriedly left the house..

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