Stand Up [A One Direction Fan-Fic]

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           “VAS HAPPENIN?!?!?!” I cringed away from the phone. I swear, she screamed louder than Louis being Superman. Wait, what am I saying? I don’t talk about One Direction! I never talk about One Direction. I sighed, running my hand through my long black hair.

 “Hello? Tiffany? You there?” Oops. Totally forgot about her. I sighed again.

“Yeah, I’m here. Sorry Sarah. I just got distracted. Wassup?”

 “Oh my god, you have to come with me!!!!” I raised an eyebrow, not caring that she couldn’t see me.

 “Wait, what are you talking about?” I could pratically see Sarah rolling her eyes.

“Hello? It’s what I’ve been talking about for the last 5 months?! ONE DIRECTION IS GOING TO THE KEY ARENA!!!!!!!!!!!” I cringed again. Sheesh, this girl can yell. Besides, how could I forget? She has been talking about this event, since forever. I couldn’t believe her. She was such a Directioner. One Direction, the biggest boy band ever, with 2 albums…..and yeah that’s all I know. You could tell, I was a big Directioner too…….not.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate them or anything, but I just treat them the same as I do with Justin Bieber- indifferent. On the other hand, if Sarah sees a cat she starts screaming about Harry Styles and whatever. I love her, but sometimes her obsession got annoying.

 “Yes, I remember. Of course I remembered,” I lied. “You made me buy tickets, remember?” It was true. I, Tiffany Tran, was forced to buy a stupid little ticket costing hundreds of dollars to go watch a band I don’t care about, all because her best friend had puppy dog eyes. You can’t resist her puppy dog eyes! Apparently Niall or Harry or someone like that also has puppy eyes? I don’t remember, Sarah mentioned that in passing sometime. Besides, what did I care? I was really mad at first- I was saving to buy a motorcycle! Even though I already turned 16 a month ago, I had only just got my driver's permit! My parents weren’t going to let me get my license until I turned 18. Yeah, can you believe it? What are they thinking!!!! Oh wait, I know- they’re like that because they’re Asian.

God, I really got tired of that excuse sometimes. Why must I have perfect grades? Because I’m Asian. Why can’t I go partying with all my friends? Because I’m Asian. Sometimes I hated being Asian! But I know my parents care about me. I guess I should be lucky, I have a caring family, a nice house, everything that I need. I guess that saying about how the grass is greener on the other side is true.

“So wassup? That event isn’t for another couple hours,” I said.

“I know, but I was listening to The Flow, and it seems like One Direction are going to meet girls that line up early before the concert!!!! We have to go!!!! Do you know how long I’ve dreamed of seeing them in person!??! YOU HAVE TO COME!!!” I rolled my eyes. The Flow, of course. She never stopped checking into The Flow, the hottest web gossip line of 2013. I didn’t really understand how girls can listen to that kind of stuff. The paps practically murder all those stars! Apparently, Harry Styles and Taylor Swift broke up…again? Yeah, talk about “We are never ever getting back together”. But what did I know? I never went on The Flow.

“Hello? Stop daydreaming!! You have to come with me, now!” I groaned and pouted.

“But I wanted to do some studying, and I need to do chores, and…”I lied. Lying came easy to me, when it came to my personal life. Not that I really needed to hide anything from Sarah- she knew pratically everything about me. I was just too lazy to get up.


“But we got first row tickets!!!! How much closer do you want?!”

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