Chapter 83: Rekindle of Tiall?

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*Tiffany’s POV*

There were screams from the crowd, either cheering Molly on or yelling at her I don’t know, but Niall’s scream beat out all of them. He yelped and jerked away from Molly, crashing into Harry, who crashed into Louis. They all fell off their chairs. Liam and I gave each other a quick glance before rushing over to the boys. I caught Louis before he rolled off the stage. Liam managed to grab onto Harry and Niall.

“You saved me,” Louis said dramatically.

“Looks like I’m your Superman now,” I said, giving him a wink.

“My hero!” he said in a girly voice. He gave my cheek a sloppy kiss.

“Ok, ok. Don’t start a fight with Liam now,” I laughed, shoving him off. “Go get some Larry.”

“Don’t mind if I do,” he said. He crawled over to Harry, who was sitting on the ground next to Niall and Liam. He sat in Harry’s lap and cuddled into his neck. I rolled my eyes as the girls squealed.

“You know I was joking right?” I groaned. I walked over to Niall and crouched down. He was staring at the ground, his face bright red. “Yo bro, you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, I guess.” I gave Molly a glare.

“What’s your problem?”

“What’s my problem? What’s your problem?” I flinched- this sounded just like our last conversation.

“You know perfectly well. You can’t just go kissing random people everywhere!”

“What, like you?” The room gasped, and she covered her mouth quickly, looking surprised. “Wait, I didn’t mean that.”

“Oh, sure you didn’t,” I snarled. Molly rolled her eyes.

“Whatever. Besides, Niall isn’t a random person! He’s Niall Horan! And I have a crush on him, is that so bad?”

“One, he’s not ‘Niall Horan’- he’s just another guy, like everybody else in the world. Yes, he’s famous, but that doesn’t mean he’s a god or anything. And for another, it’s not wrong to have a crush. But it is wrong to kiss someone without their permission!” I said angrily. Niall flinched as my hand crushed his shoulder, and I quickly pulled away. “Sorry Niall.”

“Not a problem Tiff,” he said, giving me a smile. “And you don’t need to yell at Molly, I’m fine. I was just surprised.” I grimaced at him.

“Ok….” I reluctantly looked up at Molly. “I’m sorry, I was just worried about him.”

“It’s fine,” she said tersely. “Let’s just get this over with.”

“Actually, it’s time to get ready to sing again. So why don’t you guys start heading backstage?” Ceci said. She started shooing us off the stage, and we scurried off. I didn’t want to leave Niall’s side, so I linked our elbows together and we skipped off.

“Since when did you start caring about me so much,” he teased me as we waited backstage.

“I’ve always cared about, you big dweeb,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Aw, you’re so cute,” he cooed as he poked my cheek. I felt somebody’s arms wrap around my neck, and Niall’s gaze harden.

“Stealing my girl, are you now Niall?” Liam teased him.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Niall said weakly. I looked up to see Liam frown at him.

“You ok Niall?” Niall shook his head.

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