Chapter 16: I Challenge You to a Food Battle Niall!

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*Niall’s POV*

          “Hey! Put me down!” Tiffany said, thrashing her hands and feet. I chuckled, holding her tight.

          “Nope! You deserve it, leaving us at the elevator!” She kicked her feet, and Harry grunted.

          “Stop struggling! I’m going to drop you!”

          “Good!” she said, still struggling. Harry and I rolled our eyes.

          “HEY!” Harry and I jumped, shocked, and our grips loosened. Tiffany fell to the ground, and she groaned. We gasped.

          “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Tiffany! Are you alright!” Harry said, patting her everywhere. She giggled at his touch.

          “Yeah, I’m fine. No thanks to you guys,” she said, sticking her tongue out at us. I looked up and glared at Elizabeth, who shrugged.

          “Hey! How was I supposed to know you guys would drop her?” I quietly growled- she totally knew. Tiffany quickly sat up and punched our arms. We flinched, rubbing the spot where she hit us.

          “That’s for dropping me,” she said, sticking her tongue out again. Harry laughed, and I whimpered. She rolled her eyes, and flicked off her hat. She put it on my head, pulling it over my eyes.

          “Better?” I grinned and straightened the hat.

          “Better.” She rolled her eyes.

          “Now excuse me, before you guys rudely interrupted me, I’m going to go change. I’m sweating my butt off!” She pulled off her sweater, which showed some skin as her t-shirt followed. I thought I saw something flash, but the t-shirt fell too quickly. I frowned, but shook my head, clearing it of thought. She ran back to her room, muttering about childish boys. I grinned at Harry, who smirked back.

          “So, what are we doing?” Elizabeth said. I looked up to see her standing over us, her hands on her hips. I grimaced in her direction. What was she wearing? I swear, those shorts weren’t even covering up her butt. Slut.

          “We just need to hang here for a while, I guess. Liam is the only one who remembers all this stuff.” Harry shrugged, pulling me up beside him. We walked over with Elizabeth and sat down on the couch. I dropped my feet on the table and looked out the window, ignoring Elizabeth’s flirty looks.

          “Liz, can I call you Liz?” Elizabeth quickly nodded her head at Harry, giggling. “Well, Liz, tell us about yourself. After all, this is a week to get to know you, and we don’t have anything to do.”

          “Well, let me just say that I am a HUGE fan of you guys! You guys have been my favorite artists for like, forever! I even voted for you guys when you were in the X-Factor!” I smiled a little- our fans really were amazing. Too bad these girls were mean. “My favorite color is red and green, because of Louis and you Niall! I have a kitty that I named Harry, and I like to play guitar. I’m not very good though,” she grimaced. Harry nudged me a shot me a glance. I glared back, and sighed.

          “I could give you some tips, if you like…” I reluctantly said. Elizabeth squealed.

          “Oh, really?! That would be amazing! Oh my god, I’m going to get guitar lessons from Niall Horan!” I managed to keep the smile on my face, and quickly looked away before I could snap at her.

          “Where do you live?” Harry asked.

          “I’m from California! Happy, sunny days there,” she giggled. Harry’s eyes brightened.

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