Chapter 56: The Mistake

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*Liam’s POV*

          “Apparently our British boys weren’t careful with who they gave their numbers to! There was speculation that this was a fake pic with some fake numbers, but we have two girls who tweeted that the numbers were real! Now the whole world is in a storm, trying to call and text these guys! However, when we tried to call, nobody picked up. The boys must be shy right now! Stay tuned, and we’ll be back to speculate on who we think tweeted the pic!” The commercials started running, but all I did was stare at the guys. They looked at me, anger in their eyes.

          “I can’t believe Tiff would do that!” Louis growled.

          “I can’t believe I actually trusted her,” Harry said angrily. I stared at them, horrified.

          “Woah, woah, hold on guys! Who said she actually did this?”

          “You saw the pic Liam, it was her arm. Who else could do it?” Niall snapped at me.

          “Please, you really think that she did this?” The three boys gave me a look, and I glared at them. “Oh come on! Why would she even do this in the first place?”

“Maybe she did it for votes. So she could be popular on the show.” I rolled my eyes at Louis.

“Oh please, you really think Tiffany is as selfish as that? She is the nicest person ever!”

“You never know, people change when the world is against them.”

“She doesn’t need the world! She has us! “I turned to Zayn pleadingly. “Please Zayn, don’t tell me you actually think that she did this?” He was quiet for a moment.

          “I’m sorry Liam,” he sighed, “I don’t want to believe it, but it all points to her. She was the only one we gave our numbers to. Nobody else could have gotten them.” I growled and stood up quickly.

          “We were supposed to be there for her! Although I guess that I’m the only one who trusts her now. I can’t believe you guys can call yourself her friends.”

          “Who said we were still friends?” Harry said darkly. Niall and Zayn looked at me sadly, but they didn’t speak up. I screamed in frustration and picked up a beanbag, throwing it at the television. It cracked the screen and fell to the floor, making the house shake. The boys stared at me shocked.

          “Fine, don’t believe in her! I say she didn’t do it, and I know I’m right!” I stormed out of the room, going into my guest room and slamming the door shut. I collapsed on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

          Even though I did believe what I had said, I had a tiny inkling that maybe she did give everybody our numbers. Like Zayn said, we gave our numbers to nobody else. But I knew Tiffany better than that. What did she have to gain with giving everybody our numbers? Tiffany wasn’t like that, to try and gain votes for herself. She was the type of girl who accepted things as they are. She wouldn’t do something like that……..would she?

          There was a quiet knocking on the door, and I threw my pillow at it.

          “Go away, whoever you are! Just leave me alone! I don’t want to see any of you!” The door knob turned, and Zayn walked in, looking depressed. I glared at him. “I said I didn’t want to see you!”

          “I don’t care,” Zayn snapped, “because I still care about you.” Suddenly, tears started falling from my eyes, and I sobbed. Zayn came over and hugged me, pulling me into his chest as I cried on his shirt. He rubbed my back, murmuring nonsense.

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