Chapter 10: Niall? Or Harry? oO

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Warning: Mild Language starts in this chapter! if you aren't comfortable with that, sorry......but it's kindof throughout the whole story XD

*Niall’s POV*

          I leaned forward, bumping my shoulder against him. I reached around, patting his back. Standard procedure, right? Suddenly, I felt a ridge across his back. Not like his spine…it was like…a bra strap? I moved a little, and felt something soft on his chest. What in the?........Was this dude actually a girl?

          “What’s your name?” I stepped back curiously, staring at him…her? I still couldn’t see her face…him? God I gotta stop this. He just stood there, not moving. Suddenly, she turned around and ran into the crowd.

          “HEY!” I yelled, but I felt a hand dragging me backward.

“Niall! What are you doing?! We need to get on stage! Now!!” Liam dragged me by my shirt all the way to the stairs, where the rest of the boys were.

          “Hey guys,” I grumbled.

          “Hey,” they said back.

          “Took you long enough,” Zayn smirked. “You took even longer than I did!” I stuck my tongue out.

          “For your information, I wasn’t in the bathroom. I was talking to….someone.” I took the microphone from Liam, nodding my thanks. A producer ran up to us.

          “You’re on in 5….4…3…2…and go!” He shoved us on stage. The girls saw us and screamed. We plastered on a smile and waved at the crowd. I looked around for the mysterious person. I could hear Liam talking to the crowd, but I didn’t really pay attention. We had already rehearsed this anyway. Well, he did. You couldn’t believe how many times me made me listen. Where was she? Or he? I still didn’t know!

          Liam called off their names, one by one. They all walked up, waving at the crowd. I smiled- they seemed really nice. So far. We would get to know them all more later. Where was he?

          “Tiffany Tran?” Gosh time went by fast. We were at the end of the list already. “Tiffany Tran?” Nobody came up. Everybody started looking around. “Tiffany? Are you here?” Suddenly, I found her. They were standing in the corner, holding onto their shoulder. I looked at them curiously. They seemed afraid.

          I don’t know why, but I felt like I needed to help them. They looked up, and I gasped. It was Tiffany, hiding under all those layers. She looked at me, helpless. Her eyes were worried, and she looked like she was going to faint. I smiled at her, and beckoned her forward. I tried to send a message telepathically. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. There’s nothing to worry about. I’ll be here for you. She smiled back, and I could see her relax. She gripped the suitcase that was next to her, and slowly made her way forward. I nudged Liam and pointed in her direction. He looked at her confusedly.

          “Uh, can I help you?” I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, he didn’t get a clue. The girls made a path for Tiffany as she walked through. She cringed, and hunched over. I frowned, looking at her sadly. She really was scared, wasn’t she. I could hear the whispers from the girls, and I flinched.

          What is he doing? Where is he going? Is this a joke? Tiffany finally reached the stage, and climbed up. She sighed, and turned around. She pulled off her hoodie, and flicked up her hat. Everybody gasped.

          “Hi…..” she whispered. It was silent in the room. Then the room erupted in whispers.

          Oh my god, what is she wearing? She looked like a boy! What’s ‘Epic Meal Time’? Oh god, she looks hideous. Tiffany flinched, and grabbed her shoulder. I couldn’t take it anymore. I walked forward, and slung an arm over her shoulder. I heard everybody gasp, but I just looked at her. She slowly looked up at me, her sad eyes staring me down. I smiled at her, and gave her shoulder a squeeze. She flinched, and moved away slightly. I frowned, but pulled her back.

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