Chapter 66: The Chosen Three

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*Liam’s POV*

          The next few days were….awkward, to say the least. Tiffany was happy all the time, which made me smile. I had fun just hanging with her and Zayn. After Sarah’s insistence Tiffany practiced her songs. I really wish I could hear them!

          But Niall, Harry, and Louis would pop up at times, and Tiffany would just shut down. She would sometimes give a  quick nod to Harry, but that was about it. She refused to even look at Niall or Louis.

          I could see them dying to talk to her- luckily I think they knew better. But their attempts to get her to forgive them were actually pretty cute. They left stuffed animals and candy around for her, which surprised me because Niall never buys candy without eating it. They also left little notes around that had silly poems and jokes and whatever. Though Tiffany didn’t know that- she just tossed them aside and wouldn’t look at them.

          Even though she was mad, I could see how she really missed talking to the boys. Especially Niall, even though she hated him the most right now. It made me jealous, but at least I got more time with her. Hopefully, Louis’ plan would bring us all back together again. Because I missed being with the guys.

          It was a pretty chill few days, just joking around and watching our show. Nothing special and all, just watching us talk and sing a lot. I loved hearing Tiffany sing, it was really beautiful. She obviously didn’t think so, but whatever.

          The show was really popular to nobody’s surprise. There honestly wasn’t anything special or mind-blowing shown on. Just a couple surprises here and there. Tiffany’s popularity on the show……kind of deviated. She was definitely more popular than some of the girls, but she kept getting hate for being Harry’s girlfriend- until they broke up, of course.

Tiffany refused to watch that episode….or actually, any of the episodes. We tried to convince Tiffany to watch the show with us, but she apparently preferred to practice her songs. But we all knew she just didn’t want to see Harry, or Louis, or Niall. I knew none of us had to watch it, but it was just fun laughing at our craziness. But I had to admit, sometimes I was glad she was gone. I had totally forgotten what I told Niall before…..Zayn had freaked out though.

          “YOU ACTUALLY LIKE HER!??!” Zayn said, staring at the screen. I blushed as I watched my confession to Niall.

          “Uh….yeah. Sort of.”

          “Sort of,” he scoffed. “How can you sort of like someone?”

          “Ok, ok I like her,” I groaned. “Please don’t tell her though!”

          “Nah, don’t worry mate,” Zayn said, shaking her head. “Dang, that girl gets all the guys!”

          “What are you talking about?” I asked curiously. He shook his head quickly.

          “Nothing, just forget it.” It didn’t seem important, so I dropped it.

          Harry also got a bit of hate for cheating on her, which somehow had gotten taped even though Tiffany swears she didn’t see any cameras following her. But honestly most of the girls on twitter just became more in love with him now that he was single. Which I think is stupid, because who wants to go out with a cheating boy? Besides, I know that Harry still misses Camille. Tiffany got a lot more hate when everybody realized that Harry and her broke up. From Harry’s Twitter wall, apparently people thought she was stupid for not getting back together with Harry, which I think is also stupid.

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