Chapter 63: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

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*Louis’s POV*

          Harry, Niall, and I sat outside the music room, trying to conceal ourselves behind the slightly-cracked-open door. We wanted to go in and actually watch her, but Zayn told us to stay out here because Tiffany doesn’t want to be around us.

          “What are you going to play?” I heard Zayn ask.

          “River Flow In You,” Tiffany said. “By Yiruma.” There was a couple seconds of silence.

          And then music filled my ears. Beautiful music that filled even the hallway outside. Thank god Zayn left the door open, because I wouldn’t miss this for anything. It was definitely better than I could have ever played. It was one of the most beautiful songs I ever heard. I could see Harry and Niall instantly relax next to me, their gazes far away as they listened to the notes flowing through the air.

          I relaxed with them against the wall, just listening to the song. I felt like I heard it somewhere before….but I’m pretty sure I would’ve remembered a song like this.

          I couldn’t help it when my thoughts drifted to Tiffany. Honestly, I knew she had a right to be mad at me. I did insult her after all. But seriously, how many times do I have to apologize?! Tiffany usually wasn’t one for grudges, but I guess this was one of those exceptions.

          I wanted to get back on her good side…..but I have no idea how. Maybe I could ask Liam? He did seem to know her the most. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. Oh, and I’ll have to include Harry and Niall, of course.

          My heart dropped as the song ended. I wanted to listen to it forever. It was so beautiful and perfect…just like her.

          “That was beautiful Tiffany!” Liam said, sounding awestruck. I resisted the urge to chuckle.

          “Not really,” she said modestly. Sarah and Zayn snorted.

          “Please! That was amazing!” Sarah said.

          “That really was! Better than Louis any day!” I knew it was true, but I couldn’t resist being a little irked.

          “Hey! My playing isn’t that bad!” There was silence in the room. Then Liam and Zayn got shoved out and the door clicked shut. They both glared at me. Oops.

          “Sorry guys,” I muttered. I looked up at them. “Can you help us? Please?”

          “Uh, sure Lou. Vas happenin?” Zayn asked.

          “I want to get back on Tiffany’s good side….but nothing I seem to do is helping! Or Niall. Or Harry!” I said with an afterthought. Zayn shrugged.

          “Honestly, she’s a stubborn girl. She doesn’t make grudges very much, but when she does it’s hard to break them. I don’t really know how to help. You’re screwed.”

          “Wow thanks Zayn. Very helpful,” Harry said sarcastically. Liam looked thoughtfully at me.

          “Well……like Zayn said, she’s stubborn. But I know she loves food and music….and cute little fluffy stuff. Maybe you can do something with that?” Suddenly I got an inspiration, and I bounded up to hug him.

          “Liam you’re a genius!” I crowed. Liam chuckled and patted my back.

          “Glad I can help.” I turned towards Harry and Niall, who looked at me expectantly.

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