Chapter 45: Scream and Shout

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*Niall’s POV*

          I pulled on Louis, dragging him away from Harry. Liam was grabbing Harry’s collar, who was fighting to get away. There were tears on his red-and-purple face, and he looked so angry it scared me. Louis sobbed, and I crouched down and hugged him tightly. He clutched my shirt cried against my chest. I watched as Liam dragged Harry to the door and threw him out. Serves him right.

          “Let me in!” he screamed, pounding against the door. I couldn’t take this anymore. What happened to him? I handed Louis off to Zayn and ran into Tiffany’s bedroom. I needed to see if she was ok. I prayed that she wasn’t cutting herself or something.

          I burst into the bedroom to see Tiffany huddled into the darkest corner, sobbing into her arms. I quickly went over and hugged her tightly. She flinched and tried to get away.

          “LET ME GO HARRY!” she screamed, clawing at my hands. “LET ME GO!” God, she was in hysterics! I shushed her and held her tight.

          “It’s Niall, it’s ok. Harry is gone, you’ll be fine,” I said soothingly. But even with those comforting words, she wouldn’t stop screaming and crying. I pulled her onto my lap and rocked back and forth on the floor, rubbing her back. “It’ll be fine, you’ll be ok,” I whispered.

          “LET ME GO!!” she screamed. I winced as her nails scraped against my arms, but thought nothing of it.

          “No, never,” I cooed, pressing my chin on top of her head. Ok, think Niall! What do I do?! What do you do when you get sad?

          Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me. But bear this in mind it was-

          “STOP! NO! NOT THAT SONG!”

          “Ok, ok, ok, I’ll stop singing it,” I said frantically. I tried singing another song.

          You’re insecure, don’t know what-

          She let out another loud wail, and I instantly stopped. Ok, not that song either. I don’t think singing is something that’s going to calm her right now.

          I hesitantly started humming some random tune. It wasn’t any particular song, just some random notes. But Tiffany seemed to calm down a bit. She leaned her head into my neck and finally stopped squirming. She was still crying heavily, but at least she stopped screaming.

 It took an hour before she finally calmed down. She looked up at me, and she looked terrible. Her eyes were red and puffy, her lips turned to a frown. She was gasping for breath. But despite that, she was still beautiful in my eyes.

“Why?” she whispered.

“Because Harry is a dick.” She didn’t even chuckle.

“He cheated on me,” she said flatly.

“Which I have no idea how he could, because you’re an angel. You’re perfect.”

“Don’t say that!” she snapped, pulling herself off of me. “If I was perfect, then Harry wouldn’t be kissing another girl.”

“Well, Harry is dumb if he thinks another girl is more beautiful than you. Even when you cry, you look pretty.” She rolled her eyes and snorted.

“You want to know the worst thing?” She didn’t give me time to reply. “I thought he actually loved me. I thought he actually cared about me. But when he looked at her, I knew he never loved me. He loved her,” she whispered, giving another sob. I wrapped an arm around her protectively and pulled her close.

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