Chapter 80: Tears Stream

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*Tiffany’s POV*

“I KNEW IT!!” Niall yelled, jumping up as he pointed at the screen. He turned on the guys angrily. “I TOLD YOU GUYS SO!!”

“Well sorry!” Zayn said just as angry. Liam looked so mad he was about to explode. Honestly, the only thing I could think was how in the hell did they find out?

“There was a video turned into the police Thursday night, showing this never before seen footage.” The screen turned to the resort, showing a bird eye’s view of the living room like in the past episodes. There was me on the screen, looking scared as the guys left. Then Molly talked to me quickly, and she left with Stella and Bella.

As soon as the other girls walked into the room, I looked away. I couldn’t watch this all over again. I saw everybody in the room looking horrified at the screen, and I cracked. I jumped off the stage and ran to the seats. Sarah had her gaze stuck to the screen as tears ran down her face, but Rachel was looking ashamed at the floor. I ran to her and she quickly hugged me tightly. We both comforted each other, holding each other. I hid my face in her shoulder. But even so, I could still hear every word they said, every insult. I did not blame Rachel at all, but it still hurt to hear her call me names.

Then I heard my screaming, and I flinched. I tried to cover my ears, but I could still hear my screams and moans. I could still hear the insults they threw at me. I had no idea how anybody could watch this. Was this even appropriate for national television?

Suddenly I was ripped away from Rachel and I let out a little yelp. I looked to see Liam hugging me tightly, tears running down his face.

“Don’t you ever lie to me again,” he cried, his voice cracking. “I’m always here for you ok? Please tell me when somebody hurts you.” He sobbed into my hair and I ran my fingers through his hair repeatedly, trying to get him to calm down. Seeing him so troubled made my own fear disappear.

“Hey, it’s ok. It was the past, ok? I’m fine,” I murmured. “Come on, there are people staring. Be strong.” I gently pulled his arms off of me and led him back on stage, where the video was still playing.

”This video was turned in by Josh Daniels, a cameraman on Looking For You.” I gasped as they showed a shot of Josh smiling at the camera…while holding a camera. Figures. I had to smile. “Josh has also been arrested as he admitted to being an accomplice, though unwilling, in the whole scheme. He admitted to hiding the footage from producers and creating fake footage that was shown on the show of the three men who supposedly attacked Tiffany. Well fudge this. You really can’t trust anyone. I thought Josh was a friend……..Liam refused to leave my side. He forced me to sit on his lap as he sat next to Molly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hid his face in my hair. The video ended, and there was complete silence in the room.

“How are you feeling Tiffany?” Ceci asked gently, breaking the spell. I shrugged.

“It was in the past. There’s nothing I can do now.”

“How do you feel about Rachel?” I shook my head quickly.

“Please don’t blame Rachel. She was practically forced to do it. I don’t blame her at all, and I never did. I don’t blame any of the other girls either. Like I said, what’s done is done. Rachel is my friend, and she’ll always be my friend.” Rachel gave me a grateful smile.

“How are you doing Liam?” Ceci asked. He refused to answer, and I patted his knee.

“I don’t think he wants to talk right now,” I said quietly, and Ceci nodded.

“Fair enough. Why don’t we get on to the music?” There were half-hearted cheers from the crowd. I stood up and dragged Liam backstage. He refused to let go of my hand. I sat him down on the steps.

“Babe, look at me.” I forced his chin upwards so his teary gaze was looking at me. “Are you ok?”

“As much as I can be after seeing my girlfriend get assaulted.” I flinched, but kept my gaze strong.

“You’ll be able to sing in a few minutes, right?” He shrugged, and I groaned. “Babe, please don’t ruin this for Molly,” I said reluctantly. “She doesn’t deserve this.”

“It doesn’t even matter,” he grumbled. “I don’t even sing.”

“Wait, what? What are you talking about?” I asked, confused.

“She’s singing my solo in the song.” I frowned at him. I probably should be more mad, but honestly he sang the most, so it would make sense. I mean, that’s what I did.

“What song is it?” I asked.

“Live While We’re Young.” I ran the song through my head quickly.

“But…you only have one solo!” He gave me a look. “And she took that?”

“And most of Zayn’s parts…..and Louis’”

“WHAT?!” I screeched. What the hell does she think she’s doing?! “But Louis hardly ever sings!” He shrugged.

“It’s not like we could do anything about it.” I pursed my lips. God damn her, she just had to have all the attention on her. I sighed and moved my hand to cup his cheek.

“Just try, for me then. Please?” He gave me a smile, a real one.

“For you, fine.” I smiled and gave him a kiss, trying to show all my love.

“And now we have Molly’s first song with the guys! They will be performing a fan favorite, ‘Live While We’re Young’!” I gave Liam another quick kiss.

“Go get them tiger. Knock them dead!” He grinned at me.

“I’ll try.”


Short chapter today, cuz I have some classes and packing I need to do...SCHOOL IS TOMORROW!!!! DUN DUN DUN!!!!! Anywhovian, I know some of you suspected Josh, and there it is ;) You guys are such smarticuses :)

WHO ELSE IS STILL MAD AT MOLLY? EVERYBODY SHOULD BE!!! BECAUSE LOUIS HAS THE VOICE OF A FREAKING ANGEL AND ANYBODY WHO STEALS HIS SOLO SHOULD DIE!!!!! Oo No offense :) But seriously, I really wish Louis and Niall would sing more....Louis does in the second album, and Niall does too but not as much as I would hope.....which reminds me.....

Have you guys heard that rumor that for the next tour/album (I forget which) Niall is not going to sing, and just play guitar? Is this confirmed? Or is it just paparazzi stunt? or What?! THIS BETTER NOT HAPPEN BECUASE I SWEAR NOBODY WOULD GO TO THE CONCERTS THEN!! Oo

AND WE DANCED ALL NIGHT TO THE BEST SONG EVER! :D Yup, still listening to it.....#dedicated :)

So please follow, vote, comment, adn read all my other stories! Because you'll need some soon....Stand Up is getting closer to the end...closer and closer.....

Love you all, bye!!!!! <3


[Last Minute Update]

For those of you who haven't seen my message for you, I have another challenge for all of you!

WHO WANTS A SEQUEL, RAISE YOUR HANDS!!! *all hands go up* Ok, ok, I understand. You all want to see Tiffany's life go on with the boys, all the drama, yadda yadda. I'm still on the edge on whether I should make one or not....


If we can get Stand Up to 100,000 reads, 2000 votes, and 1500 comments by the last chapter (which I will announce) then I can guarantee a sequel!


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