Chapter 35: Wanna Play a Game?

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[AN: You guys are going to love this chapter! XD]

*Harry’s POV*

          “So, the activity we’re going to do is just for fun. I’ve played it multiple time with my friends. We all have pieces of paper, labeled with everybody’s names.” Sara held her hand out, and Alyssa passed her a small packet of papers. “They are also labeled with different aspects of yourself. For example, personality, voice, eyes, lips, and so on. We’ll be judging you on these aspects. Just put down a number from 1 to 10. After you write it down, fold the paper to cover your answers. We’ll pass them around in a circle, and when everybody is done we can see our results!”

          “Um, I don’t feel so good about this,” Liam said. “Judging someone is really bad, especially based on their looks.”

          “It will be alright,” Zayn said. “We’re all friends.” Ha. I wish…..not. Who would be friends with those girls?

          “It still doesn’t seem right…..” Liam said uncertainly.

          “Oh, come on Liam! Please?” The girls pleaded with him, sending him googly eyes. He flinched.

          “Fine,” he said, giving in. Ha, he’d do anything for the girls.  

          “Yay! This will be fun! Everybody take your paper!” She handed out the papers and pencils, throwing mine at me. I took in the neat handwriting, looking at the aspects. Personality, voice, hair, eyes, body, lips, smile, clothing, and overall. Not bad, I’ve played it before. This will be easy. I looked at my name, written in the curly handwriting. This girl had really good handwriting.  

          “Ok! Pass the paper to your left, and begin!” I passed mine to Niall, and took Tiffany’s. I smiled at her name, and quickly wrote down my answers. Infinity, infinity, infinity….basically I wrote an infinity sign for everything. I couldn’t help it! She was beyond perfect!

          Writing down everybody’s answers was soothing, and pretty fun. The other girls got good scores from me, and the boys probably got the top scores, besides Tiffany. I was sorely tempted to write a zero for Zayn’s hair, just to mess with him. But I couldn’t do that to him. I sighed, reluctantly writing an 10. Luckily Niall got his braces on, otherwise I would’ve been tempted to tease him too.

          Tiffany handed me my paper, smiling at me. “I hope you like your answers,” she said, grinning.

          “I hope you like your answers,” I said back.

          “Ok guys, it’s really late. Go to bed- you can look at your papers on the way there.” The girls ran into their bedrooms at Liam’s words, clutching their papers. I turned to Tiffany to see Sara talking to her. Sara walked away, looking victorious while Tiffany looked angry, crumpling her paper. I walked up to her, worried.

          “Hey, you alright?” Tiffany jumped, but relaxed when she saw me.

          “It’s alright. It’s nothing.” I frowned at her obvious lie.

          “Did Sara say something?” Tiffany laughed.

          “No, she didn’t. Seriously, it’s nothing.” I nodded slowly.

          “Alright….well, goodnight princess.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and pressed my lips against hers. She responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around my neck. Her lips were so soft and tender as they moved against mine. She tasted like lollipops, and she still smelled like brown sugar. It was an amazing combination. Her hand pulled gently at my curls, and I moaned. Her lips curved into a smile against mine. I gently licked her lips, wanting entrance. She smirked and kept her mouth closed. Damn tease.

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