Chapter 27: Bleeding Love

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “FINE! I’LL TELL YOU! JUST GIVE IT TO ME!” I yelled. I knew I couldn’t bear to forget Liam. I needed it. Rachel smirked at me, flipping off the switch. I reached for it, but Elizabeth and McKenzie grabbed at my arms again. Bitches.

          “Ah ah ah!” Sara said, wagging a finger in front of my face. I tried to bite her finger, but she jerked away. “You have to tell us first! Who is Harry’s girlfriend?” I closed my eyes, hiding my red eyes as I slumped down, giving up. I forced my breath to slow, and I pushed away my fear. Looking into Sara, giving her the hardest glare I have ever glared, I said the dreaded words.

          “You’re looking at her.” Sara gaped at me, shocked. She started laughing, but I could see her eye twitch.

          “HA! Yeah right. You? His girlfriend? That’s a laugh!” I rolled my eyes. How dumb were these girls?

          “No, what’s a laugh is how dumb you guys are! I am Harry’s girlfriend. Think about it, why am I always around him? Why did I vanish with Harry at the amusement park? Why does he always shake you guys off? Because he’s taken ladies. And I’m the girl.” They stood there staring at me, shocked. I took the chance, and ripped my hand from Elizabeth’s grip, snatching at my necklace. Rachel didn’t even put up a fight. I sighed in relief, cradling the soft silver in my hand. I closed my fist, and looked up to see Sara, red-faced and shaking.

          “YOU BITCH!!!” she screamed. She slapped me so hard, I fell to the ground. Where did all this freaking strength come from?! I quickly jerked my head up as I hit the ground, trying not to get a concussion. She slammed her heels into my stomach, and I screamed.

          Suddenly, they were all stamping on me, digging their heels into my skin. I screamed and moaned in pain, trying to hide my face from the sharp heels. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Rachel slip away into the bedrooms, but at that moment I didn’t care. 5 pairs of heels were good enough to hurt me.

          “Bitch!” “Whore!” “Skank!” “You’re nothing!” “Worthless!” “Cheap!” “Stupid!” “Fake!” Insult after insult hit me, almost hurting as much as their heels. I had never been this beat up before. I cried as the red tears ran down my body, making small pools on the white floor.

          Suddenly, someone stamped on my left shoulder, and I felt a scream rip out of me like never before. It sounded like a dying animal. The kicking suddenly stopped.

          “Shit! What are we doing?!” “Dude, what are we going to say? This wasn’t in the plan!” “Ok girls, just calm down. We can say….we were in our rooms! And we don’t know what happened. We didn’t see anything, or hear anything, or have anything to do with it. Got it?” “Someone go tell Rachel, and get me a blindfold!” A few minutes later, something was stuffed in my mouth, and someone tied my arms behind my back. I was too hurt to care. I just lay there quietly as my blood seeped out of me. I opened my eyes faintly to see the stained heels strut away, except one pair.

          “This is for stealing my future husband.” Sara raised her heel, and slashed it across my face. Fire burned across my eye, and I screamed, the sound muffled by the cloth. She flinched, but determinedly walked away. I lay there for what seemed like days, just crying on the red floor. I gripped the necklace in my hand, digging the heart into my skin. I tried to look around, but all I saw was red. I felt my consciousness slipping away, my heart beat growing fainter.

          Too long after, I heard faint laughter that grew louder and louder. The boys chattered loudly, their feet making vibrations in the ground that made me moan.

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