Chapter 60: Mummyfied

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*Tiffany's POV*

"Hey! Give me my phone back!" I complained. Sarah slid my phone shut and gave me a sympathetic glance. "And don't look at me like that!"

"Calm your tits girl, I was just arranging somewhere for you to stay." God, where would I be without her?

"Thanks," I said gratefully. "Where am I staying?" She looked away, guilt in her eyes. "Sarah....."

"Somewhere where you will be taken care of," she said, cutting me off. She flagged down a taxi that was passing by. "Come on, let's go." The taxi parked on the side and she pulled all my luggage into the trunk. We clambered into the back, where the taxi driver gave us a nice smile.

"Hey girls! Where to?" Sarah stated the address, one that I didn't recognize. All I knew was that it was in Seattle, but that's it.

"Where are we going Sarah?"

"Not telling." I gave a little humph, crossing my arms and turning towards the window. How come I can't know where I'm staying!? This was totally backwards.

"Tiffany?" I turned around and something wet hit my face. I hissed and jerked away.

"Dude, what the hell?!" She rolled her eyes.

"Calm your tits. It's just an alcohol wipe." She leaned forward and wiped at my face. I felt a small stinging on my face, but it didn't hurt so I just sat there, waiting for her to finish. She finally pulled away after a bit, and I saw something red staining the wipe. Bloody hell, am I bleeding?

"You mom put some scratches on your face. But they're pretty shallow, so it shouldn't scar, not that you really care." She put some bandages on my face, and I looked at my reflection in the car window. Bloody hell, I looked like a mummy! I'd rather scar! And since when did I become British? I spent waaaaay too much time with the boys. I tried to pull the bandages off my face, but Sarah slapped at my hand.

"They're going to get infected if you do that." I rolled my eyes, but I didn't struggle against her. I was getting too sleepy to care. Dang it, why did I have to get so sleepy in cars?


"Tiffany, we're here. Wake up." I felt somebody shake me and I jerked up sleepily.

"Huh?" I grumbled, yawning as I stretched out. I heard Sarah chuckle.

"We're at your temporary home. Come on, let's go." Grumbling, I slowly got out of the car, looking around for the place. I turned around and gaped at the house. Holy fudgecakes, I was staying here?! It was a humongous two story house that looked like a mansion! How in the world was I staying here?

"Stop gaping and come on," Sarah said, smiling as she rolled her eyes. She pulled out my luggage from the car and paid the taxi driver. I grabbed my suitcases and followed her up to the door nervously.

"You sure I can stay here? Am I living with someone? Do I have to pay? Because I don't have any money right now!" Sarah stopped at the door and looked at me assuredly.

"Yes you can stay here, yes you are living with some others, no you don't have to pay," she said quickly. She bumped my arm. "Just relax girl, I know these people. And you do too. They'll take care of you until I can convince my mom to let you stay with me, kay?" I knew these people? Who the hell was rich enough to live here? Then again, I didn't really know any of Sarah's friends...but she said I knew them?

She hefted the box onto her hip and rang the doorbell. I heard running footsteps inside the house, and the door opened quickly.

"Liam?!?!" I screamed. He grabbed me and hugged me tight. I was too in shock to move.

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