Chapter 89: Life Sucks

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*Tiffany’s POV*

I was pulled off the stage in shock as the producers fixed the stage. I kept stumbling over my own feet, barely managing to not fall down the stairs. Liam had an easy smile on his face.

“What happened to you?” he laughed. “You’re so clumsy right now.”

“Don’t touch me,” I whispered. My heart was hurting, I needed to be alone.

“Sorry, what?”

“LEAVE ME!” He flinched at my yell, and I jerked my hand out of his grip. I ran away from the boys to the back where the storage rooms were. I ran into one of them and locked the door. I collapsed against it and started sobbing into my knees.

I knew I shouldn’t have yelled at Liam, but I couldn’t help it. Molly was better than me in every way, except her personality. If I could, I would’ve told the boys what she did, and how mean she was.

But I couldn’t, I didn’t have it in me. I didn’t want to ruin her dream. But I couldn’t let them choose her-she’d corrupt them somehow, I know it. I would be away from Harry, and Louis, and Zayn, Niall, and Liam. Liam…..I definitely couldn’t be away from him.

It’s not like I had a choice anyway- either the distance would be too much, or Molly would just keep them away. Why couldn’t I be pretty like Molly? Or a better singer?

“Tiffany?” At first I thought it was Liam. “Tiffany? Come out please. You’re on for an interview.” I frowned as Lou’s voice came through the door.

“Coming Lou.” I wiped away my tears and unlocked the door. Lou was frowning at me.

“Tiffany, what were you doing in there?”

“Just thinking. I needed to be alone for a bit.” I could say that part truthfully. She gave me a sympathetic smile.


“Yeah,” I lied. It was an easier explanation than what was really happening. Lou rubbed my shoulder, and I flinched at the twinge in my muscles.

“Oh, sorry dear.” She moved her hand down to my arm. “Let’s go dear, you have to change into your final outfit.” She led me back to the racks and showed me my dress. I had to smile- it was such a beautiful dress. It was a white dress made of tight material, covered in black lace that had intricate designs on it. The straps hung down around my arms, remind me of Belle’s dress. The way it looked was gorgeous, and when I tried it on before I felt like a princess.

“What are you waiting for dear, put it on! I’m going to do a curly up-do for you, to match the dress.” I reached for the lace dress, but my fingers stopped an inch before touching it.

“No….” Lou gave me a glance.

“Sorry, what?”

“No, I don’t want this dress.”

“What? Tiffany, I think the stress has gotten to you. Quickly, put on the dress!”

“No, I don’t it.” I gave Lou an assured look before putting the dress back on the rack. Yes, it was a beautiful dress. Yes, it made me feel like a princess. But that wasn’t me, I wasn’t a princess. This might sound really cheesy, but I didn’t want to be all fancy in my most important moment. I wanted to be me.

But….if I had to be honest, I was just really lazy right now. I didn’t want to squeeze into another dress and have Lou dress me up. Way too lazy for that.

I went to the clothes storage and rummaged around for something my style. I wasn’t sure if they would have it but…..never mind! Success! I grinned as I pulled out a pair of gray drawstring sweats. I rummaged around a little more and I found a One Direction hoodie. I’m not really one to sell out, but whatever. I was too lazy to find another one. I slipped out of my dress and into the comfy clothes, along with a pair of sneakers I found.

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