Chapter 22: Caramel Apples and Doctor Who

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*Harry’s POV*

          I pulled away slightly, gasping for air. The gorgeous girl in my arms did the same, her face pink. It was such a beautiful color on her pale skin. I trailed my fingers down her check, and she smiled slightly, her lips curving.

          “That was amazing…” she murmured. I smiled back at her.

          “It definitely was……” We stared at each other for a few seconds before I heard crackling from my back pocket.

          “Harry? Tiffany? Anybody there?” Still gazing into her eyes, I grabbed the walkie talkie and pulled it to my ear, pressing the button.

          “Yeah Zayn, what’s up?”

          “Dude, we’re at the front of the line! Where are you guys?” I chuckled softly.

          “Sorry Zayn, you know how I am with roller coasters. Tiffany is just helping me.” There was silence for a few seconds.

          “You’re leaving me with all of these girls?!” he whispered, his voice crackling. I laughed.

          “Aw, but Zaynie, you seemed to be getting on with them so well!”

          “Shut up! I need my bros too!” Tiffany laughed, and grabbed the walkie talkie out of my hand.

          “Hey Zayn, it’s Tiff. For one, I’m a bro now? And chillax, just go on a couple extreme rides, and we’ll meet you later. We’re going to go get some food. I’m hungry!”

          “You sound like Niall.” We both chuckled and she rubbed her stomach.

          “Well excuse me! We can’t all have 6 pack abs like you do!”

          “Good things too. It would be weird to see a girl with a 6 pack!” I chuckled, slinging my arm around her waist, snatching up the walkie talkie.

          “Anyways Zayn, we’re just going to go hang out, so we’ll meet you at the restaurant later, kay?”

          “Fine. But if I turn into a girl, I’m blaming both of you!” Tiffany laughed and I rolled my eyes.

          “Please Zayn, you’re already a girl. Oh, and can you not tell anybody? Just say we went to the bathroom or we got lost or something.”

          “How can you get lost? You were right behind us!” Zayn sighed. “Fine, whatever. But you owe me!”

          “Thanks mate!” I said, grinning.

          “Yeah, yeah, go on your date.” Tiffany stared at the box, shocked. I coughed.

          “Uh, this isn’t a date Zayn. We’re just friend…”

          “Uh huh. Whatever. I’ll keep your little secret. Just don’t hurt her man, otherwise you have me to deal with.” Zayn warned. I chuckled, pulling her toward me.

          “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

          “Yeah, yeah. I gotta go, roller coaster time! See ya…STOP DRAGGING ME!” Zayn screamed, and I heard girly giggles in the background. The walkie talkie crackled silent.

          “So….” Tiffany said. “Can we get food now?”

          “Is that all you can think about?” I joked. She rolled her eyes.

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