Chapter 20: Seductive

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*Harry’s POV*

          Niall pounded on the door, and I smirked. “GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM HARRY! I NEED TO TAKE A SHOWER TOO!” I sighed, then opened the door, making Niall fall. I laughed when he glowered at me.

          “Chillax dude, you’ve been waiting for only 15 minutes.” He froze.

          “Never heard you say that before…” I looked at him, confused.

          “Say what?”

          “Chillax. Isn’t that Tiffany’s thing?” I shrugged.

          “I guess….must have just picked it up.” He gave me a weird look as I walked out the bathroom. Why did it matter? I can pick up habits from my own girlfriend, can’t I? I smiled as I thought about it. Tiffany, my girlfriend. Just thinking about it made my heart flutter. God, I really need to stop sounding like a girl.

          “OOMPH!” I grunted as something slammed into me. They stumbled back a bit, groaning as they held their head. My eyes widened.

          “Oh my god Tiffany, are you ok?!?!” She rolled her eyes.

          “I’m fine boo. Not your fault I’m a shrimp,” she said, sticking her tongue out at me. I smirked at her.

          “Oh, so now I’m your boo?” She blushed.

          “Uh…just forget I said that. I didn’t mean it.” I rolled my eyes

          “Uh huh. Sure babe,” I said, winking at her. She blushed harder. “Awww! You’re so cute when you blush!” I cooed. She rolled her eyes and shoved me.

          “Shut up Haz and let’s go. I wanna know what we’re doing today!!!” She grabbed my hand, interlacing her fingers with mine. I blushed, and grinned at her as we walked into the kitchen, keeping our hands behind our backs.

          “Hey, where is everybody?” I asked Liam, seeing as he was the only one in the kitchen. He rolled his eyes.

          “Apparently, still getting ready. If they take too long, we’re going to have to cancel the plans.” Tiffany gasped, gaping at Liam.

          “WHAT?!?! CANCEL THE PLANS!! YOU CAN’T DO THAT!!!” she screamed. Liam looked at her.

          “Do you even know what the plans are?”

          “Well, no…” He rolled his eyes. “But I know that if you planned it, it will be fun!” Liam blushed.

          “Uh, thanks Tiffany.” I smirked at him.

          “Awww Tiff! You made Daddy blush!”

          “Shut up Styles” he growled, still blushing.

          “Whose blushing?” Niall asked, walking into the room. Tiffany gaped at him.

          “Holy crap, did you dye your hair or something!??!” Niall blushed.

          “Uh no…it just looks darker when I shower.” I grinned at him.

          “2 out of 5 Tiff! You’re good at this!” She grinned at me.

          “Bet you I can make the other 3 blush,” she said, winking at me.

          “Psh, Zayn maybe. But Louis is going to be hard. He doesn’t blush easily. Plus,” I scoffed, smirking at her. “you’ll never get me to blush.” She grinned evilly at me.

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