Chapter 18: Let's get drunk!

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*Niall’s POV*

          “NIALL!!!” I groaned, turning to face Sara, who was batting her eyelashes at me. I resisted the urge to laugh in her face. “Order me another drink?” I plastered a grin on my face.

          “Sure thing love.” I quickly turned away and looked at the bartender, who was wiping down the counter looking bored. “Another pina colada please!” He quickly made me one and pushed it toward my open hand. I placed it into Sara’s hand.

          “Thanks Niall!” She sidled up to me, pushing her chest into my arm. I mentally cringed. “So, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you dancing?” I shrugged.

          “Don’t really feel like it.” I stated, keeping it as short as possible.

          “Well, how about dancing with me? I can guarantee you, you’ll feel amazing.” She winked at me, swaying a little. I grimaced.

          “Thanks love….but I’ll pass.” She glowered and stalked off toward Liam, who was surrounded by some of the girls, nursing a glass of water. He looked so uncomfortable! He obviously didn’t want to talk to the girls. I looked at the dance floor to see the rest of the girls, obviously tispy. They were shaking their butts of, and grinding with some of the other guests. I grimaced in their direction, disgusted. I finally caught sight of Tiffany, near the back of the room. She was talking to Louis and Harry. She was laughing at something Harry said, smacking his arm. I felt my heart tighten, and I shook it off.

          “Hey, give me 4 beers?” The bartender reached into the fridge and slid me the bottles. I grabbed them and walked over to the 3. They looked up and smiled at me, Tiffany’s wider than the rest. I couldn’t help but smile back.

          “I propose a drinking game!” I cried, sliding them each a bottle. They popped the caps off and took a swing.

          “Games! I love games! What game?” Louis cried, giggling. Louis was such a lightweight. He probably only had, what, 2 beers? I on the other hand, probably should’ve been passed out by now. Otherwise, I was just a little tispy.

          “Never have I ever?” Tiffany squealed.

          “I love this game! Let’s play!” I chuckled along with the other boys, and sat down next to her.

          “I wanna start! Um….never have I ever…..jumped off the Eiffel Tower!” We all stared at Louis, who blushed. “What? That’s all I could think of!” Harry scoffed.

          “Sure Louis. Sure it was. Anyway, never have I ever…had a fake ID.” I grinned, and took a swing along with Louis. Tiffany gaped at us. I shrugged.

          “What? I’m Irish!” She rolled her eyes.

          “’Cause that’s an explanation for everything.”

          “With Niall, it is.” Louis said, like he was stating the obvious. We all started giggling for no reason.

We continued the game for the next hour. We ended up having to get more drinks, and my mind was definitely getting fuzzy. Louis kept laughing randomly, and pointing out random things about people. Harry was grinning like an idiot, and had his arm around Tiffany, who was leaning into him. I glowered at him in my mind, but kept my smile on my face. The game was getting more and more intense.

“Never have I ever….kissed a guy!” Harry cried. Tiffany rolled her eyes, taking a big swing.

“Wow, so original, considering there’s a girl here!” Harry giggled, sloshing his drink. I saw Louis at the corner of my eye take a small sip of his drink, and I gaped at him.

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