Chapter 37: Fun in Hawaii

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*Liam’s POV*

          “Everybody here?” I said, staring pointedly at the boys and Tiffany. I quickly glanced for Molly and the twins, who were here. “Good, let’s go.”

          “Wait! Alyssa is still getting ready!” Elizabeth cried. I ignored her and started walking out of the door. “Liam!”

          “Liam…..” Tiffany said warningly. I halted and glared at her, and she cocked an eyebrow at me. “You promised.” I groaned.

          “Fine,” I growled. “But she better get here in the next five minutes. Otherwise we’re going to be late.”

          “I’m here!” Alyssa cried, running into the room. She flashed me a smile. “Thanks for waiting!” I ignored her and turned around, walking out of the room quickly, with the boys following.

          “That wasn’t very nice,” scolded Tiffany. She was walking next to me, her head not even reaching my shoulder. I grunted and reached to mess up her hair. This feels familiar…………….have I done this before?

          “Don’t mess up my hair!” she whined, shaking her hair. Niall chuckled behind me.

          “Here,” he said, handing her his snapback. She looked at him surprised.

          “But don’t you want to wear this?”

          “Nah,” Niall said, shrugging. “More like force of habit. Besides, I stole your hat before,”

          “Well, technically I gave it to you. But whatever,” she said. She placed the hat on her head, smoothing her hair down. “Thanks Niall!”

          “You look good in my hat,” he commented. Harry coughed.

          “Thanks,” Tiffany said, smiling at him. She smacked Harry’s chest, and he smiled sheepishly. “Liam? Can I have a piggyback?” I smiled at her, and crouched down. When she didn’t get on my back I glanced at her, and she looked at the ground, embarrassed.

          “You’re still too tall…..” she said, and the boys laughed. “Shut up! Not my fault you guys are giants!”

          “No, you’re just mini!” Zayn teased, flicking her hair. She scowled at him. “Here, let me help.” Zayn lifted her up and gently placed her on my back. At least I think he did. She was so light! She smiled at him.

          “Thanks Zayn.” She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I grabbed her thighs. Dang, she was tiny!

          “Are you sure you’re not a fairy or something?” I joked. “You’re so tiny!”

          “Just walk Payne,” she groaned.

          “Yes ma’am,” I said, walking quickly after the boys who were ahead.

          “So, does this mean that you’re my unicorn now?” Tiffany whispered, and I blushed.

          “You said we would not speak of that!” I whined, pouting. She laughed, and rested her chin on my shoulder.

          “Sorry, couldn’t resist.” I grunted as I walked outside into the bright sunshine.  The limo was there waiting for us, gleaming in the light. Paul was leaning on the driver’s side, having a smoke.

          “Hey Paul! Can I have some?” Zayn asked, half teasingly. Paul rolled his eyes.

          “You said that you’d stop, remember?” Paul chastised. Zayn grumbled, and went inside the limo. I dropped into a crouch, and Tiffany jumped off, landing  on her feet gracefully.

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