Chapter 51: Too Much Love

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[AN: ok, you guys probably hate me for this, but I have to. I AM BEGGING YOU GUYS TO READ THESE 3 (sortof) books!

1. Alone With Nowhere to Go- Neughedy (which is me!) i only need one more vote for the next chapter! come on guys!

2. Dear Diary- MaryniaFaith. She inspired this story off of one of my other stories!!! Go and read both!....but mainly her's! ITS HILARIOUS!!! <3

3. LemonGirll11- she is one of my Wattpad friends, and she's an AMAZING writer! she literally has over 25 Larry Stylinson stories people! I would REALLY appreciate if you read her books! to prove this, I will promise something to you guys!

If you guys read and comment on one of her books, tagging me at @Neughedy in the comment, then I will dedicate a chapter to you guys in the book. I don't care if I already have or not, I'll do it again. Plus, I'll be giving shoutouts to everyone who did comment in each chapter! This is really important to me and her guys, so please? HOWEVER!!! this only counts for books taht are NOT "How to Save a Life", "Put Your Records On", and "Over Again". they are AMAZING book, but that's the point. they're her most popular, and hse wants more reads on her others. so any reads and comments on her other books, i will give a shoutout and dedication!


*Tiffany’s POV*

          I woke up and immediately started to cry. I would have to go home today. I had to leave the 5 best people in the world, and I probably would never see them again. They would be traveling around, having fun in their lives, and I would have to go back to my awful one. I had been through so much with them, and they made me feel whole for once. They were my best friends, and I loved them with all my heart. They were making me sound like a freaking girl for god sakes!

          “Hey, hey, hey, it’s alright.” Zayn sat up and wrapped his arms around me. I looked at him, and he smiled at me. “We’ll always be there for you. Even if we’re not actually there. We’ll always be friends.”

          “Really?” I whispered, breaking into a sob. Zayn chuckled.

          “Of course. We’ll even switch phone numbers and everything! Besides, if we pick you for the 3rd round, you’ll be able to see us even more!”

          “You’re not going to pick me,” I scoffed. “I’m a terrible singer. I don’t even know why you chose me to be in the 2nd round.”

          “Because you are an amazing singer,” he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and he shook his head. “Never mind, let’s just pack up.” We both got up and after we woke up Rachel, we all sadly packed up. I almost burst into tears again as I folded my clothes. Packing up just made me realize that this was actually happening. We were actually going to leave.

          We slowly finished packing, and I looked at the newly cleaned room. It was so empty without all our clothes thrown around, without the bed covers all strewn around. Rachel walked out, and Zayn pulled my suitcase along with is. I looked at the room once more, and quietly closed the door.

          We walked out to the living room. Everybody was sitting on the couches, starting sadly at the ground. Suitcases were placed against the walls. The boys were sitting together on one couch, smiling sadly at me. Zayn walked over to them, and they all stood up facing us. I sat down next to Molly, who took my hand and squeezed it gently.

          “I don’t wanna go,” she murmured sadly. “I’m having the time of the my life. I can’t believe I have to leave my best friend.”

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