Chapter 2: The One and Only Simon Cowell

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*Liam’s POV*

Oh god, what were we doing? We were going to get killed for sure. Here we were, standing outside Simon’s office, and we were all freaked out of our minds. Oh my god, Simon is going to kill us! What were we thinking? We don’t need a new member, we got each other. We survived fine the past few years. We’ll be fine, let’s all go right now before we die.

I felt an arm rest on my shoulders, and looked down into Niall’s face. He looked scared, but he set his jaw and nodded at me. I sighed- he was right. We had to do this.

“Ok boys, on the count of 3,” I called out. “One…..two….”

“CARROTS!!!!!!” yelled Louis. Of course, being the Louis he is, he ran through the door, tripped over a chair and collided with the ground. Harry and Niall started laughing their butts off while Zayn collapsed on a nearby chair giggling. I would’ve laughed too, except the first thing I saw was Simon. I gulped nervously, staring into his eyes. Simon smiled slightly, but he looked confused.

“Good morning to you too Louis,” he said in his gravelly voice. “And good morning to the rest of you. But what are you doing here? We don’t have anything going on for the next week- you guys just finished your tour! I’m very proud of you,” he said, his smile growing bigger by the second. I almost ran away at that moment- Simon was going to kill us. I don’t know why I thought so. I just knew it.

I turned around only to feel Niall jerk my shoulders toward Simon. He signaled to the others, who pulled Louis off the ground. We all sat in the chairs in front of Simon’s desk. I saw Harry playing with his curls nervously. Louis had a smile on his face, but I could tell it was a little forced. Zayn was fixing his hair while looking at the reflection in Simon’s cup. The others were definitely nervous.

“Liam? What’s going on?” Simon asked. He looked worried. I put my face in my hands, I couldn’t look at him. I felt Niall’s hands rub my back.

“We have….a weird kind of request Simon…” he said quietly, his voice shaking. I looked up to see Simon’s face blank out.

“Continue,” he said, his voice monotone. Everybody looked at me. Why did everybody expect me to say anything? Oh wait, I forgot. I’m Daddy Direction. Simon doesn’t get mad at me….but there’s a first for everything. I sighed, fearing the worst. I looked at Simon’s eyes and said slowly,

“We…want….anewmemberinOneDirection!” I said quickly. I shoved my face in my hands. I waited for Simon’s reaction for a few seconds before looking up. His expression didn’t change, but he motioned for me to continue.

“Well, this is going to sound really weird but….”I said nervously. I looked at Harry, begging for him to continue. I didn’t know how to say this. It was all too surreal for me. Harry grimaced, but spoke.

“We all have been having the same dream, and it was a really weird dream that told us that we needed a new member in One Direction. We don’t know who, or why, but we have some clues on who it could be.” Simon just stared at us. He was really scaring me. Maybe we were going to die. “We talked about this already, and even though it scares us, we agree that this is something we shouldn’t ignore. I mean, we all had the same dream. What else can we do?” he said, smirking slightly. His voice grew stronger as he talked. He has always been the most confident one of the group. He was definitely the most comfortable with confrontation, besides Niall. But we don’t really let Niall argue much because when he gets mad, he starts swearing like an Irish dude…oh wait. He is one. I chuckled softly, with Niall giving me a curious look.

I looked up to see Simon still staring at us. This was getting really weird. We all stared at Simon, scared out of our minds. Well, I don’t know about the rest of the guys. All I know is that I was going to run out of there in a couple seconds if he didn’t move soon. Simon slowly sat up the chair, his grin slowly grinning. Wait, he was grinning?

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