Chapter 73: You Decided!

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[A/N: Thanks to all who voted for Tiffany's songs! It was a REALLY close race, and the second song ended up in a tie! But now you guys can find out what songs you chose!...and what ship name Rachel/Zayn have ;) BTW, PLEASE read the author's note at  the end!]


*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Moments……” I said hesitantly. “And Truly Madly Deeply.” I looked at the boys. “Are those fine?”

          “Those are perfect,” Niall said, smiling. He rubbed his hands together. “Let’s do this!”

          For the next 5 hours, we sorted out the parts and what I would sing, what parts the other guys would give up. I felt really bad taking the boy’s parts, so I just took parts from the people who sang the most…which was honestly Liam’s parts. I felt guilty, but I thought it would be the most fair, and he said he didn’t mind.

          My throat was so sore by the end of the day. My voice literally deteriorated into croaking. The boys on the other hand just sounded a little tired.

          “How in the hell do you do this?” I croaked as I downed my 10th water bottle. They chuckled at me.

          “Years of practice,” Louis said smugly.

          “Only a couple years,” I muttered. I looked at the clock and sighed. I only had a couple hours left to practice my own songs. “You guys need to leave now! I need to practice my own songs!”

          “Aw!” Niall pouted. I grinned at him.

          “Sorry boys, please leave!” With a glance at Rachel, we pushed them out of the room despite their protests.

          “Love you gorgeous!” Liam quickly called out before we shut the door on them. Rachel let out her breath and collapsed on the chair.

          “Dang, I’m not even singing and I’m already pooped out!”

          “How do you think I feel?” I said smirking. She grinned at me.

          “So, tell me about your songs.”


          “GET ME OUT OF HERE!!” I yelled-whispered. and flung the door open. I didn’t want to sing for the next 24 hours…which of course is impossible. I ran out the door and collided into Liam, who was standing outside for some reason. Oomph.

          “Hey hey hey, what’s the rush?” he asked grinning.

          “I don’t want to sing anymore!” I whispered. He frowned at me.

          “Why are you whispering?”

          “Because my throat hurts to talk louder,” I grumbled. He smirked at me.

          “Aw, poor baby.” He scooped me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He grinned at me. “Want to go out to eat tonight?”

          “Yes!” I yelled-whispered. Rachel walked out of the room and grinned at us.

          “Hey Liam, what did I miss?”

          “We’re going out to eat!” I cheered as loud as I could. Rachel grinned at me.

          “Awesome! How fancy do we get to dress?”

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