Chapter 3: What's the Big News?!?!?!?!

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*Sarah’s POV*

Checkin The Flow, checkin into The Flow, I mentally rapped. I jumped around my room, waiting for my laptop to load. I sighed every time I stared into Harry’s face…which was everywhere I turned. My room was covered with Harry’s face, and I mean everywhere! I even have a Harry’s styles toothbrush!!! I always kissed his lips after brushing my teeth. I giggled, and flopped onto my One Direction bedsheets, tapping my laptop impatiently. I need to check The Flow every ten minutes. There was so much good stuff to gossip about!!

I heard the teeny theme song over the bass of the song booming on my iPod, and I knew the page was loaded. I quickly flipped my hair back and scrolled down the list. There was the normal gossip, Taylor Swift writing another song, Angelina Jolie saves another charity, yadda yadda yadda. Suddenly, I saw a teeny little article about One Direction. Oh, hells nah! They can’t hide anything from mwah! I quickly clicked the link and scanned the article. My eyes widened and I jumped up screaming. There was going to be an important announcement on MTV from One Direction! I jumped on my bed, screaming my lungs out. Maybe there was going to be another concert near? Or maybe they were releasing a new song!!

I quickly grabbed my phone, calling the first contact on my speed dial. I waited impatiently, flicking my TV on to MTV. Finally, the ring dial stopped. Sheesh, couldn’t she be faster? I had been waiting here for 3 seconds! I mean seriously, people need to be faster picking up their phones! What if it had been an emergency?! Which in this case, it was.  

“Hello?” I heard her garble. Smirking, I took a deep breath, I shouted “TIFFANY!!!!!!! TURN ON MTV!!!!!” I chuckled as I heard her move away from the phone.

“What the hell do you want?” she muttered. She sounded really tired, but whatever.

“Dude, are you still sleeping? Get up! One Direction is going to be one MTV!!!” I squealed. Yes, I can’t help it, I am a girl after all. Who doesn’t like One Direction?! There was silence on the phone.

“You woke me up at……” I could practically see her checking the clock. “8 o’clock in the freaking morning on a Saturday to tell me that some stupid boy band was on some stupid TV show?” she screamed at me. I rolled my eyes.

“Uh, first of all. One Direction isn’t some ‘stupid boy band’”, I said, pouting. “Second of all, MTV is like, one of the biggest TV channels there is! You can’t ignore MTV!” I said, jumping on my bed. “Now turn on the TV! The interview is going to start in like a minute! Apparently, One Direction has some huge announcement!!”

“NO!! NOW SHUT UP AND LET ME SLEEP!!” she screamed, hanging up the phone. I pouted, flopping down onto my pillow. Such a weirdo. She cannot ignore One Direction! I smirked slyly- I’ll just rant about it to her later.

And we’re here, with the biggest boy band in the world, One Direction! I shot up and started screaming my head off. The interview was starting!!!! I practically fainted when I saw their faces. They were so cute! They were all smiling and waving at the camera. I was so jealous of the interviewer! She got to actually speak to One Direction! I fanned myself when I saw Louis sit down on Harry’s lap. I totally ship Larry Stylinson! They were so cute. I giggled when I saw Harry cuddle into Louis’ shoulder.

“So boys, how you all been?” the interviewer said. I glared at her through the television. She was twirling her hair, sending glances at Harry. She was so flirting with him! Luckily, he didn’t notice her.

“We’ve been doing good. Got some time to relax, because we just finished our tour!” Liam cried out. The boys all roared and slapped each other on the back. I giggled again. They were so cute! They were totally made for each other!

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