Chapter 1: Dreaming of a New Member

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*Harry’s POV*

“HARRY!!!” I heard a voice yell as something fell on my stomach- something heavy. I sat up sharply and fell out of bed. I groaned as the voice laughed at me.

“Ha ha very funny Louis,” I grumbled. He stuck his tongue out at me, jumping off my chest.

“Hurry, it’s time to get up! Liam told me to wake you up!” he yelled at me, puffing his chest out like this was some great responsibility. Like that was possible with him wearing his onesie.

“Oh, and Harry?” he said. I looked at him curiously. “COVER YOUR BALLS!!!”  he yelled, throwing my pillow at my balls. I groaned as it struck home, and gave Louis the finger as he ran out of the room screaming. Git.

I sighed and rolled off the floor, quickly walking to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth, I looked in the mirror. I looked so tired, but I wouldn’t give it up for anything. We had just finished our tour, and were at home in London. We were in a hotel suite, staying together for the last time before we could go visit our families. Even though I was happy to be seeing all the fans, and proud of my best friends, I missed my family a lot. I hadn’t talked to my mom in ages! Well, I had called her yesterday, but that didn’t count. My thoughts strayed as I remembered my dream. It was the weirdest dream ever, and I had been having it for the past week! I dreamed that we had a new member of the band! I shook my head quickly. It was just a stupid dream, it meant nothing. Why would we need another member? I was living the life with 4 of my best friends. There was no need for anybody else. I quickly ran to my room and changed into a black t-shirt and some jeans. I looked at my hair and pulled on a beanie, too lazy to fix my hair.

I strolled out into the kitchen, stumbling as Louis jumped on my back. “ONWARD HORSIE! TO THE FRIDGE!!!” he screamed, waving around a wooden spoon. I heard a growl, and I saw Liam sitting on the counter with his cup of cereal.

“Stop being so loud Louis, and stop waving that thing around!” he grumbled. Everybody thinks Liam is a morning person, but really he isn’t. None of us are really, the only reason Louis is hyper right now is because he already had his cup of tea. Louis threw the spoon at Liam, screaming like a girl and running as Liam jumped up growling. He ran to the fridge and pulled out a carrot.

“Mrs. Carrot? What? You’ve been here the whole time?! But….I’ve been looking for you for years! You left me alone, with our 2 beautiful kids. No, I’m sorry. You can’t see them. You left them, you left me! And what’s this? There’s another carrot involved!!!” he cried as he pulled out another carrot. “How could you! We haven’t even been divorced yet! How could you do this to our children! No, it’s too late. There’s nothing you can do. I’m sorry,” Louis sobbed, and took a huge bite out of the carrot. “Mmmmm carrot,” Louis cried and gobbled up the carrots. I heard laughter and turned around quickly enough to see Niall falling out of his chair ROFLing. And yes, Niall actually ROFLed. Niall always ROFLs. Liam rolled his eyes and stabbed his fork into his cereal.

“Louis, did you even wake up Zayn yet?” he muttered. Louis stopped crying and glared at Liam.

“But of course I did, Master Liam! I would not betray my duties!” he retorted in his posh voice. “Because I…am…SUPERMAN!!!” He ripped apart his shirt showing his Superman t-shirt, and ran down the hallway toward Zayn’s room. Cue Niall’s ROFL. Louis ran back, gasping for air.

“Can’t…breathe!!! Too….much…hairspray!! Save me Harry!!” he gasped, reaching out for me. I smirked, pulling him into my arms.

“Aren’t I supposed to be Lois Lane?” I cooed out, using my sexy voice. Yes, I’m Harry Styles, I can have a sexy voice. I picked him up bridal style and batted my eyes. Louis smirked at me.

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