Chapter 72: Love is in the Air

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[AN: Slight smut in the beginning, and read the author's note at the end! I need your help!]


*Tiffany’s POV*

          I woke up with a smile as I felt Liam’s arms hold me gently. I yawned and sat up quickly, grinning at him.

          “Good morning babe,” I chirped. Liam groaned and sat up, glaring at me. He looked sexy in the morning, even when he was angry.

          “You know, I’m not really happy with you,” he growled. His voice, if it was possible, was even sexier than last night.

          “Oh really? I wonder why?” I said as innocently as I could, trying to hide my smirk. He growled at me.

          “I think you know why. Do you know how long it took before I could sleep?” I giggled at his incredulous expression.

          “A long time?” I said smirking. I started to get up, but he grabbed my hips and jerked me back down.

          “Nope, you’re not leaving,” he growled. He started to kiss my neck harshly, and I smirked at him.

          “You’re really intimate in the morning, aren’t you,” I said grinning.

          “Nope, just for you,” he said sexily. He rubbed small circles onto my hips as he bit my neck. I suppressed a moan.

          “You know, I don’t really put out before the first date,” I joked. He pulled back, his eyes amused.

          “No, you don’t seem like that girl.”

          “What kind of girl am I then?” I asked smirking. He put a hand on my cheek and smiled softly at me.

          “The kind of girl I love.” He leaned forward a bit, and I could smell his sweet breath on my lips. Dude, does this kid even have morning breathe?

          “Can I kiss you?” he murmured softly. I just realized we haven’t kissed yet…wow, we’re stupid. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

          “No, I don’t think so,” I whispered cheekily. He growled playfully at me.

          “Well too bad.” And then his lips were pressed against mine. All I could think was……woah.

          I thought that sparks were flying when I kissed Harry, but now I can see that I was totally wrong. THIS is when sparks fly. There was so much passion between us I bet everybody in the house could feel it. I straddled his waist and pressed my body against his. His lips were rougher than Harry’s but I actually liked it. He started the kiss out soft and gently, but soon his need overcame him.

          His lips crushed against mine in a fury, and I eagerly pushed back. Our lips moved in an uncoordinated way, but it just made the moment that much more perfect. His tongue licked mine, begging for entrance. I kept my lips closed, denying him what he wanted. He growled against my lips.

          “You’re not fair, you know that?” he mumbled as he kissed down my neck.. I smirked.

          “I know,” I whispered. “But it’s what makes this much more fun.” He growled again. “What are you, a tiger?”

          “I’m a sexy beast,” he said cheekily, quoting my words from last night. He pressed his lips against mine and kissed them roughly. He bit on my lip, but I still refused to let him in. Suddenly his hand tugged on my hair and I gasped.

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