Chapter 40: Soul Mates

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*Niall’s POV*

          “Niall?” I groaned, rolling over. “Niall?” A small hand shook my shoulder, and I groaned again.

          “Unless you have food, then don’t wake me up!” I snapped.

          “I do have food,” the voice said, smug. I opened my eyes and glared at her.

          “You play dirty,” I accused. She smirked at me.

          “Do you want your food or not?” I rolled my eyes.

          “Fine, I’ll get up.” I stretched my body, yawning as I reached towards the ceiling. Through my squinted eyes I could see Tiffany staring at me. I smirked.

          “Like what you see?” I asked. She rolled her eyes.

          “Not my fault you guys are so fit,” she muttered. She smiled at me, and my stomach clenched. “Can I ask you a favor?”

          “Sure,” I said immediately. “What you want?”

          “Wake Harry up for me?” she pleaded.

          “Why don’t you wake your boyfriend up yourself?” I teased, my heart giving a little pang. She gave a fearful glance towards the other bed, where Harry was snoring slightly.

          “Because I think he’s naked!” she whispered. I looked over, and gave a little laugh.

          “Indeed he is.” I stood up and patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll save your innocence.”

          “My hero,” she said sarcastically.

          “Always,” I said, smirking. An idea popped into my head, and my smirk grew. “Hey Tiffany, watch this!” I walked over to Harry’s bedside. I stroked his cheek slightly, and he smiled.

          “Niall!” Tiffany yelled-whispered. “What are you doing?”

          “Shhhh!” I said, putting a finger to my lips. “This is going to be funny!” I turned back to Harry, and leaned my lips down to his ear.

          “Hey babe,” I said, making my voice go higher.

          “I do not sound like that!” She yelled-whispered. Harry smiled again, and rolled over slightly.

          “Hey princess,” he sighed. I giggled slightly, and Tiffany cracked a grin.

          “What you thinking about hot stuff?” I said, trying to hide my laughter.

          “You, of course,” he mumbled. Tiffany cooed, and I laughed at her.

          “Does he always sleep talk?” she asked.

          “Only in the mornings, when he’s not really awake yet,” I replied. I smirked at her.

          “I have to tell you something panda,” I whispered.

          “What?” Harry mumbled.

          “I’m cheating on you with Zayn!” I giggled, stepping back.

          “WHAT?!?!” Harry yelled. He scrambled on the bed, getting tangled in the sheets. He ended up getting stuck, and he rolled off the bed, hitting the floor. I burst out laughing, and fell on the floor.

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