Chapter 90: Wasting Time

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*Tiffany’s POV*

Ceci burst out laughing, along with the rest of the audience.

“I love it!” she crowed. “I gotta remember that one!”

“It’s what keeps me going,” I said, giving her a shrug.

“Well,” she laughed. “on that note, we have a video we want to show you, giving an inspirational message from the boys to all the girls out there, whether you’re watching or not!” The screen fell again, but nothing showed up. It stayed black. Ceci suddenly looked strained.

“Um, I said, we have a video!” She flourished her hand towards the screen, but nothing happened. Concerned murmurs ran through the crowd, and Ceci flushed. Her hands rose to her headset as she spoke quickly into the mike.

“Um, it looks like we are having some technical difficulties! It seems that the video will not play right now. Hopefully we can start it soon! But until then, let’s have some more questions answered!” She faced us with a bright smile, but she said nothing. We sat there awkwardly until I gave her a smirk.

“You have no questions planned, do you.”

“No,” she admitted. “I thought the video would play, so I only had a certain number of questions.” She barked out a laugh. “Looks like this is what I get when I don’t prepare.”

“Hey, everybody makes mistakes. Besides, I have an idea on what we can do!” Ceci gave me a confused look as I turned towards the band that was just chilling onstage.

“Yo Josh!” I saidinto the microphone. Josh’s head turned towards me from the drums.

“YEAH, WASSUP?” he yelled back.

“You think you and your friends can play another song?”


“Cool!” I turned towards the audience and stood up. “I hope you guys can bear with us, but for now we will be singing another song for all of you! Enjoy!” The crowd cheered. I looked at Sarah and Rachel, motioning them onstage. They looked at me confused, but they quickly climbed on the stage.

“What’s going on?” Sarah asked. I grinned at them.

“Sing a song with us?”

“Us?” I gestured at Molly, who looked at me surprised.

“Wait, me?”

“Of course! You’re one of the chosen ones, yeah?” I couldn’t help but be nice to her. She gave me a tentative grin before getting off the chair to walk towards us. I pulled all four of them towards Josh. He jumped off his stool and walked towards us, grinning.

“So Tiff, what song do you have in mind?” I smirked at them, my master plan already in my mind.

“Fancy a little more X-Factor?” I quickly explained my plan to them, and after Josh assured me they knew the song (somehow) I split up the parts, trying to give each girl a part that fit her voice. Luckily everybody knew the song. Not even 5 minutes later we were given microphones and we stood up onstage in a line. I signaled the DJ, and we started singing.

Mama told me not to waste my life

She said spread your wings my little butterfly

Don't let what they say keep you up at night

And if they give you, shhh

Then they can walk on by

[Molly:]My feet, feet can't touch the ground

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