Chapter 17: The Greek God Cries

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Stop! I can’t take this anymore!” Niall groaned, holding his stomach.  The boys stared at me shocked.

          “You actually ate more than Niall!!! Quick, somebody take a picture! Can I have your autograph?” I rolled my eyes at Louis, and smirked at Niall.

          “Don’t take me up on a challenge!” I said, finishing up my ice cream. My stomach was really tight- I was totally going to be fat tomorrow, but it was worth it.

          “You guys are crazy. I swear, you practically did eat the whole restaurant!” Liam said, shaking his head. I grabbed my cup and pretended to chew on it.

          “Not all of it,” I said, smirking. The boys laughed while the girls rolled their eyes. God you should have seen them eat! Compared to me, those girls eat nothing! Even the twins and Molly ate the same! They each had like 1 plate of food….filled with salad. I mean seriously- it was all just lettuce, cucumbers, and carrots. Well, Louis had some salad too…minus the cucumbers…and the lettuce…basically half his meal was carrots.

          “Are you guys done?” We nodded at Liam, who grinned and grabbed Zayn’s hand. “Then let’s get ready to PARTAY!” Liam jumped on Zayn’s back, who pretended to neigh and ran off toward the suite. Uh……..

          “Liam gets really hyper after dinner…especially if there’s a party going on.” I widened my eyes at Niall.

          “Really? He seems like such a responsible one!” Niall snorted.

          “Fan-fic much? Nah, he doesn’t drink or anything like that. But I swear, when you see him afterward you can’t tell. He literally acts like he is drunk. I on the other hand, drink my fine ass off and I don’t even get woozy.” He crossed his arms and leaned backwards, pretending to be all gansta. I rolled my eyes and shove him on his fine ass.

          “Oh really? Well, then, another challenge accepted.” Niall widened his eyes at me.

          “You drink?”


          “But….you’re underage.”

          “Ah, but nobody knows that, do they?” Niall chuckled at me.

          “You sly devil. Fine, but don’t expect me to drag your ass back home when you’re pissed off your rocker!” I smiled and walked over to Harry, leaning my arm on his shoulder.

          “You don’t have to. Harry will do it, right Harry?” I said, batting my eyelashes. He blushed and looked away. Huh?

          “Uh, yeah. Totally.” He smiled at me and grabbed Alyssa’s hand, who practically fainted. “Let’s get going girls! We should get ready! Oh and Tiffany? Rachel? Good luck finding a bathroom to use.” He smirked at us and ran off, dragging Alyssa with him. The other girls squealed and ran off with Louis, leaving me and Niall to run after them.


          “Zayn? Can you please open the door?” Rachel cooed, twisting the doorknob sharply. I chuckled softly and continued ruffling around my drawer. Rachel was really pissed, but she wasn’t going to explode over Zayn. “We can share a bathroom!”

          “I wouldn’t mind, except I’m kind of not dressed yet.” Her eyes widened a little, and she smirked.

          “Even better,” she said, trying to sound sexy. I let out a little laugh, and she glared at me. Zayn opened up the door, making Rachel stumble a little. She frowned at him when she realized he was dressed.

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