Chapter 31: I See Unicorns

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Noooo!!” I groaned. Harry chuckled.

          “But princess, we’re home!” I perked up, jerking my head off of Harry’s shoulder. I had just been released from the hospital an hour ago, and Harry carried me all the way home on his back.

          “I want my bed!” I cried, and struggled to get off of Harry’s back. He chuckled again, holding onto my legs harder.

          “Fine, leave me! I’ll just go into a corner and cry,” Harry teased. I smirked at him.

          “Well, if you want….you can always sleep with me,” I teased, kissing his neck. He groaned slightly.

          “Guys! No PDA! Please!” Louis groaned. I looked at Harry, and we chuckled.

          “Yeah, besides, she’s sleeping with me!” Zayn said, winking at me. He scooped me up onto his arms, ignoring Harry’s protests, and carried me to our bedroom. “Good night guys!”

          “Night!” Zayn strolled into our bedroom, where Rachel was already asleep. Seriously? How late was it?

          “About 2 in the morning.” I looked up at him. Scary….can he read minds? “No, I can’t read minds. I just know what you’re thinking.”

          “That’s the same thing.” He laughed.

          “Not really. I just know you.” I rolled my eyes, slapping him. He laughed again, and gently laid me on the bed. “Do you want to get changed? I can get you your toothbrush.”

          “Nah, too tired. Just come here and snuggle with me.” Zayn grinned, quickly stripping off his shirt. He flung himself in the bed, careful to aim on the mattress and not on top of me. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him. He rested his chin on top of my head, and sighed.

          “Good night love.” I smiled, and pulled him closer.

          “Good night Z.” I drifted off………….

          Suddenly, there was a quiet crash. I jerked up, groaning quietly as my skin stretched. Stitches were firetrucking annoying. I listened quietly, and heard another bang. I looked at the clock next to bedside. What the hell?! Who is up at 5 in the morning! Then, I heard sobbing. Crap.

          I gently pulled Zayn’s arms off of me, trying not to wake him. He groaned, mumbling in his sleep. He rolled over and curled into a ball. Naw, he was so cute! Suddenly, he popped his thumb into his mouth, and started sucking on it. Oh my god that was so adorabubble! I seriously needed a camera! Giggling, I climbed off the bed and walked as quiet as I could into the kitchen. Thank god the floor was made of tiles. I walked quickly into the kitchen, where the crashes were getting louder. How come nobody else could hear this? I heard a giggle, and another crash. This doesn’t sound good.

          I turned into the kitchen, hiding behind a pole. I looked past the pole a crack to see……Liam!? His face was red, and his clothes were all crumpled. His hair was sticking up everywhere, which is saying something since his hair was so short. I would’ve thought he was in a fight or something, except he was holding a bottle in his hand, giggling, and tripping over random things on the floor… the floor.

          “Liam? What are you doing?” I said, stepping out from behind the pole. His face turned towards mine, and he grinned widely.

          “Tiffany! You’re ok!” He slurred, and stumbled towards me, only to trip over his own feet. I cringed and ran over, holding him to the ground.

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