Chapter 8: Why is Everybody So Pretty?

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*Tiffany’s POV*

“TIFF!!!! COME ON OVER!!! NOW!!! THE RESULTS ARE GOING TO BE ON SOON!!!” I sighed, and continued jogging.

“Chillax dude. I’m almost there. Besides, you called me like 5 minutes ago.” I could feel my hood slip off my head, and I quickly pulled it back on. “Be glad I’m even coming over. This rain is killing me.” I was practically soaking wet, and yes- this time it actually was a real rain. Luckily, my mom had bought me this super long raincoat that covered everything, so I was cozy on the inside. Still, I growled as the rain hit my face. I ran faster toward her house. She only lived 5 minutes away, so it was fine, I guess. Better me than her.

I quickly spotted her pink house and ran up the steps. Yes, her house was pink. She practically had a fit with her parents begging them to let her paint the house. She ended up having to actually study for a week for her parents to allow her. It was actually really funny seeing her face in a book. I took a picture, because I was pretty sure that she would never look at an educational book ever again. I rang the doorbell, and she quickly opened the door, her eyes shining.

“Finally! What took you so long! I’ve been waiting for like, forever!” I growled at her, and shook my wet hair. She squealed as the drops flew towards her and she ran away screaming into her room. I shrugged off my boots and coat, leaving them on the doorstep. She didn’t care- neither did her family. In fact, they thought I was a good influence on Sarah. I was practically their dream come true- the straight A student, who volunteered every weekend, did cross country, played the cello, and didn’t do anything reckless. In fact, I have only been to one party in my life, and that was only because Sarah dragged me there. I was the school’s nerd. Sarah was much more popular- she was even voted Homecoming queen for the past 2 years. Don’t get me wrong, I love parties. Truthfully, I would love to let my hair down and go party. If I was ever invited to a party, I would go. But nobody ever invited me.

“TIFFANY!!!” I jumped startled. I hadn’t even realized I was still standing at the door. I looked up to see Sarah staring at me weirdly.

“What are you doing? Come on! The show is going to start!” I gave her a grin and skipped up the stairs.

“Well then what are we waiting for? LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!” I jumped on her back and pointed toward her bedroom. “GO HORSIE! GO GO GO!!!!” She giggled, trotting toward her room.

“You’re totally like Louis. Even when you didn’t like them, you acted just like Louis! It was totally meant to be!”

 “Oh be quiet,” I said, sticking my tongue at the back of her neck. She flopped down onto her bed while my eyes adjusted to her room. I never got used to it- it was really weird seeing a hundred pair of gorgeous green eyes stare at you. I looked at my best friend, and smirked. She had gone all out today- her pajama pants were red and had the “1D” logo all over them. She was also wearing her collectors t-shirt that had a picture of them from the cover of their “Up All Night” album. She had curled her hair immensely- I swear if I didn’t know better I would’ve sworn they were Harry’s curls……well except they were a lot longer. But still!! You get what I mean.

“Welcome…to the most amazing TV show in existence….it’s LOUIS AND THE CARROTS!!!!” Sarah screamed as she heard Louis jump on screen and yell into a carrot. Wait, a carrot? A carrot can be a microphone? I wonder if I can use a zucchini…….

“Don’t be stupid Louis,” I heard Liam say, shoving Louis off-screen. “Hi, welcome to our new show, called Looking For You!” he said as the camera zoomed backwards to show a crowd of screaming girls as the theme song started playing. OMEGEEZLES!!! THIS WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS!!!!!! Sarah and me jumped on her bed and started singing along.

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