Chapter 4: Modern Warfare....wait what?

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Ok, so technically I didn't really lie....I just didn't realize it at the time. this chapter is even shorter then the previous! groan!!! *slams head on laptop* baby, i didn't mean it!!! please don't leave me!!! *computer walks away* NOOOO!!! HOW DO YOU EVEN HAVE LEGS?!?!?!

so anyway, please don't hate me. at least you got 2 chapters? i guess? i just looked ahead, and realized that the chapters seem to be getting shorter and shorter...i swear they were longer before! so in that case, i'll update every other day for next few days...hope you guys are happy with that!

ok, i'm talking too much :P enjoy the next chapter! enjoy ;)


*Tiffany’s POV*

“Where are we going?” I exclaimed. I stumbled forward as Sarah dragged me toward the car. She rolled her eyes at me.

“Duh dude, I already told you. We are going shopping!” I rolled my eyes back.

“Yes, I know. But why did we have to go at 7:30 in the morning?” I exclaimed again. She glanced at me nervously.

“Um……because there was a sale on that new video game you wanted!!! What was it? Something like Modern Warfare 4?” My eyes brightened. Modern Warfare 4 was on sale!?!?! OMG I was going to faint. While other girls faint over One Direction, I drool over video games. Don’t judge. Besides, this was a lucky break! Modern Warfare 4 was really new, so it was such a score to get a sale! “However, they only have the sale until 8, so we better hurry!” I ran toward the passenger’s seat, throwing myself in.

“Well then what are we waiting for? LET’S GO!!” I screamed. She threw herself into the driver’s seat and quickly drove off.


“Tiffany? Wake up! We’re here!” I felt Sarah shake me awake. I groaned, rubbing my eyes. I always fell asleep in the car, especially this early in the morning. I remembered what we were here for, and I quickly looked outside. I stared, confused.

“This isn’t Gamestop…..this is the Key Arena? What are we doing here?” She grinned slyly, and pulled me out of the car. Instantly, I heard the screams of a million of girls. What was going on? Sarah dragged me to the end of the longest line I had ever seen in my life. That’s saying something, as I was there at One Direction’s concert. I looked at a sign nearby, and I froze. Oh gods, this is why we were here?!

“We are auditioning to be in One Direction!!!!” Sarah squealed. I kept frozen. This was too much for my brain to process. One Direction was recruiting a new member? When did this happen? I faintly remembered what we came here for, and I got mad.

“You said that we were going to buy Modern Warfare 4!!!” I screamed, not caring as other girls stared at me. She rolled her eyes.

“Well, how else was I going to get you to come with me!” she said, rolling her eyes again. I glared at her. “Besides, why did you think I wanted you to dress up? Not just to go shopping, and not that you listened to me anyway.” I glared at her. It was true, she tried to pick my outfit again this morning. But I refused- way too lazy to wear any skinny jeans today. I looked down at my outfit and grinned. I was wearing my UW sweats that had paint stains on them with a plain white shirt with a denim jacket. I had my hair into a messy bun and I wasn’t wearing any makeup what so ever. Definitely not audition material. Fantastic.

“Well, whatever you say, I’m not auditioning,” I said, trying to sound confident, but I cringed when I heard my voice quaver. I was not singing in front of One Direction. Or anybody. I was way too shy to sing in front of anybody. I would probably faint. Besides my voice was terrible. I couldn’t sing! I looked at the sign again, and almost fainted right there. “They’re making it into a TV show? I’m not auditioning! I’m a terrible singer! I’m not even dressed right! Plus,” I said, more confident now as I found a loophole in the plan. “I don’t have an audition packet.” She grinned at me.

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