Chapter 26: Catfight

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          I woke up to my wet hair all over my face, and a really really loud voice.

“NIALL!!!!! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!” Zayn yelled. I cringed, pulling away from the now cold, wet body.

          “Well, excuse me! You wouldn’t wake up!” an Irish voice said. I groaned, opening my eyes. I stared at the white of the covers for a few seconds before crawling out into the bright sunlight. I squinted, and covered my face. Someone gasped.

          “Tiffany!!!! You were there?!?!” I slowly turned my gaze towards the blond boy who stared at who horrified, holding a huge red bucket. I looked at my wet hair, then looked back.

          “Did you pour water all over me?” I growled, my voice even more raspy than usual. Niall gulped, his face growing more pale by the minute.

          “Let me explain! You were hidden in the covers, I didn’t see you! Otherwise, I wouldn’t have done it! Well, no I would have done it. But I would’ve aimed! Zayn wouldn’t wake up, ‘cause as always he’s being a grumpy puss! Don’t be mad!” I looked at the pale boy who was slowly walking backwards towards the door. Whatever. I just flopped back into the bed, snuggling into Zayn who was warm again. Ew. Wet stuff.

          “Don’t listen to him Z. We can sleep all day,” I murmured.

          “Best idea ever,” he murmured back. Suddenly, my body lost all the warmth. Hey! Don’t leave me!

          “Oh no you don’t Zaynie! We have a meeting to go to today!” Niall said, scolding the sleepy boy that was laying on the ground. I glared at Niall, and rolled off the bed on top of Zayn. He grunted, but wrapped his arms around me, snuggling in deep.

          “Oh for the love of Nandos! You’re really not helping Tiff!”

          “So? She understands my needs!” Zayn grumbled, hugging me closer. Niall rolled his eyes, and grabbed Zayn’s boxers.

          “I really didn’t want to do this, but….” He jerked his hands up, and Zayn screamed. I flinched, covering my ears. Are you sure you aren’t a girl? ‘Cause you sound like one.

          “WHAT THE FUCK NIALL!?!?!?” he screamed, grabbing his balls. Niall shrugged, walking out of the room. I gave Zayn a lazy smile.

          “Hey, it’ll be fine. You can probably sleep in the car. Go cuddle Louis or something.” He grumbled, but eventually stood up, stumbling to the bathroom. I followed him.

          “Never noticed it before, but your hair is naturally curly, isn’t it?” I said, running a hand through his curls. His hair really was curly- like, Harry curly. He chuckled, giving me a gross glimpse into his toothpaste-filled mouth. Gross.

          “Not really. It’s just like that in the morning. My hair is actually just wavy. Must be all the products I used, or something.” I giggled, and sat down on the counter. My hands kept running through his soft curls. I couldn’t help it! It reminded me of Harry’s! Plus, it was really weird, seeing Zayn with curls.

          “You look cute with curls,” I giggled, tugging softly on one of them. He gave me a look.

          “But…….” He said, looking at me expectantly. I grimaced.

          “But… look better when you do your hair,” I admitted. Zayn smiled proudly, and grabbed the hair gel. “Still….you should give the fans a taste of the natural you. It would totally make a statement.” He snorted.

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