Chapter 28: Love is Blind

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  • Dedicated to Katy </3

[AN: Please cry with me when you read this chapter :'(]

[AN: Now I'm just scaring you all, aren't I? XD]

*Harry’s POV*

          Her breath hitched as she spoke those words, and her hand went limp. NO!

          “TIFFANY!!!” I screamed. She was suddenly jerked out of my grip onto the stretcher. “TIFFANY!!!!” I lunged at the men who were taking my princess away. Niall charged and ran into me, making me crash into the ground. I fought to get out of under him. “TIFFANY!!”

          “SHE NEEDS TO GO!” Niall bellowed. “OTHERWISE SHE’LL DIE!” I froze, my sobs heaving in my chest. Niall quickly stood up and pulled me to my feet. “Come on, we have to go to the hospital!” We raced out of the doors, quickly catching up to the stretcher. The paramedics were muttering, poking her with different needles and wrapping her with multiple bandages.

          “Sirs, only one of you can go with us,” one of the paramedics said.

          “TO HELL WITH THAT!” We yelled, shoving our way into the ambulance. The man sighed, but quickly squeezed into the back. The doors slammed shut, and we were off. I grabbed her cold hand, so small in my grip. She looked terrible- with blood all over her body, blood gushing from the cut in her eye. Niall trembled beside me, sobbing into my shirt.

          We burst into the emergency room, but nurses stopped us from following my princess.

          “Sirs, nobody is allowed in the surgery room except doctors and patients.”

          “I’VE HAD MY PATIENCE WITH YOU, YOU SHOWER OF CUNTS! GET US IN THERE OR SO HELP ME!” A hand crashed onto Niall’s mouth, and another pair of hands pulled me backwards.

          “Niall! Harry!! Calm the fuck down!” I swiveled to glare at Zayn.

          “YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN!? WHEN SOMEBODY BEAT UP MY GIRLFRIEND!” Niall gasped, his shaky gaze on mine.

          “Girlfriend?” he whispered. I gave him a shaky nod, then burst into tears. I collapsed on the ground, sobbing into my chest. Zayn knelt down beside me, rubbing my back. I shook him off. He didn’t know anything. The love of my life was going to die, and he was just telling me to calm down!

          “Harry, Tiffany won’t die. She’ll be fine.” Liam murmured, crouching down next to me. Together, Zayn and Liam tried to comfort me, but I could not stop the tears that fell from my eyes. I heard the quiet sound of heels, and my head jerked up to see the other girls, looking at me nervously. I found a renewed force, and charged at the girls, stopping right before them. They screamed in fright.

          “WHO DID THIS!? WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THIS?! WHO FUCKING BEAT HER UP!?” I yelled, and the girls screamed again.

          “We don’t know! We didn’t hear anything! We didn’t do anything!” Jennifer screamed, cringing as she looked at me. I felt a pair of strong hands pull me backwards sharply.

          “Haz, you’re scaring them,” Louis scolded. “Just take a look at yourself.” He shoved me in front of a reflective mirror, and I stared at the monster who gazed at me.

          His hair was wild and crazy, matted with dried blood. His eyes were even wilder, his sharp gaze piercing mine. His lips were pulled back into a scowl, covered in messy red blood. A small red handprint was painted on his cheek. Blood splattered his body. He looked like he had been in a fight with a savage lion…and won.

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