Chapter 11: A little Larry lovin' ;)

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*Harry’s POV*

          God, she looked so pretty right now. She smiled up at me, her brown eyes warm. I smiled back, her hand comforting. Well, her pinky, I guess. Her hand was so tiny! I reached around and pulled a Tarzan, her hand resting against mine. Sheesh, she really was tiny! Her hand was barely half of mine!

          “How tall are you? I mean, I know you’re under 5’7”, but what exactly?” She looked at me weirdly.

          “How do you know I’m under 5’7”?” I looked back at her curiously.

          “Uh….everybody chosen is under 5’7”. I mean, it was in the rules.”

          “Rules? There were rules?” I stared confused, but I suddenly remembered.

          “Oh, of course! Your friend made you, Sarah, wasn’t it? Oh yeah, there were certain….aspects, I guess, that you had to have to qualify to be in the competition.” She looked at me, surprised.

          “Really? What were they?”

          “Um, well. They had to be a girl, with brown eyes and be shorter than Niall, and he’s 5’7”.” She stared at me weirdly.

          “Well, those are………weird rules. Uh….why are the rules like that?” I ran a hand through my hair, sighing. I wasn’t allowed to tell her, but I was sure I could trust her. Still, I had made a promise….

          “Well….I wish I could tell you, I really do. It’s not like I don’t trust you or anything. Actually, I think I can trust you a lot.” I shot her a smile. “But I made a promise not to tell. You understand right?” Her eyes brightened.

          “Of course I do. You should never break a promise, no matter what.” She smiled at me. She ran a hand over her head, stopping halfway. She looked confused, but quickly relaxed.

          “Oh yeah, I let him borrow my hat.” She chuckled. She tugged on her bun, frowning. “Ugh, this is hurting my head.” She pulled out the hair band, and her long black hair flowed down. I reached over and pulled a lock out of her face. She looked at me awkwardly, but laughed.

          “You’re so cute sometimes,” she said, chuckling. I blushed, standing up quickly. I reached a hand out for her, and she grabbed my hand, pulling herself up. She tried to pull away, but I kept tight on her hand.

          “Hey, we’re going to face this together right?” She looked at me, her eyes flashing. She smiled weakly, and firmly pulled her hand out. She rolled her eyes.

          “Well, yeah, but it’s not like we have to hold hands doing it.” She stuck her tongue back and me, and I chuckled.

          “You look like Niall.” She rolled her eyes, and kicked the door open. Everybody turned toward us as the door slammed against the wall. She smirked, and sauntered inside.

          “Wassup people? Did we miss the party yet?” I chuckled, walking behind her. Liam growled at me, but turned to smile at her.

          “No, but almost. We were just getting ready to leave. Hope you guys brought your passports. We got some flying to do!” The other girls squealed, grabbing their multiple bags. Liam stepped forward quickly.

          “Here, girls. Let us!” He glared at me and the other guys. We coughed and walked to their suitcases and bags. I picked up one at random and grunted. God, what were these girls carrying? Did they have rocks in here or something? We were only going for a week!!

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