Chapter 32: Getting to Know Each Other

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Mmmm….bacon. Food of the gods. I quickly sat up and ran into the kitchen, not caring how I looked.

          “I SMELL BACON!!” I yelled. Everybody else was up, and they all stared at me. Liam turned from the stove, smiling at me.

          “Well, you’re in luck. Because I just finished a batch.” I ran up to Liam and jumped onto his back.

          “My bacon!” I squealed, grabbing one of the strips off the stove.

          “Don’t! It’s….” I took a bite.

          “HOT!” I screamed. Liam sighed.

          “I told you! You should’ve waited.” I giggled.

          “I’m just fooling. I knew you were going to do that. It’s not hot.” I took another bite of the bacon, grinning at him. He scowled, turning his head towards me.

          “Not funny Tiff. And don’t yell please. My head is pounding.”

          “Serves you right for getting drunk,” I muttered, and he gave me a guilty grin. I heard a cough behind me, and I jerked Liam to force him to turn around.

          “So…when did you guys become so chummy?” Niall asked. Harry glared at me jealously. I laughed, my grip still tight on Liam. He gave me a small smile.

          “Let’s just say we had a good time last night.” I rolled my eyes.

          “Yes, it was sooo much fun,” I drawled. I jumped off of him. “Make me another batch, BIYATCH!” He rolled his eyes.

          “Smosh, really? And fine.” I glared at him.

          “Hey, there is nothing wrong with Smosh” He grinned at me.

          “I know. I’m subscribed.” I giggled and plopped down on Harry’s lap. The girls all glared at me, and Harry shot me a surprised look.

          “Um, you can’t sit on me….” He said nervously, shooting a glance at the girls. I rolled my eyes.

          “Did you forget already? They already know. It’s fine.” His eyes gleamed happily.

          “Well, if that’s the case……” he gave me a small kiss, smiling at me. “Good morning princess.”

          “Good morning,” I giggled. I turned towards the table. “Good morning to all of you too!” They all smiled at me, but the girls were really forced….well except for Molly’s, of course.

          “Tiffany! Are you doing ok?! I should’ve been there! I can’t believe I was going shopping! What happened?” She yelled, reaching over to grab my hand. I flinched. Damn, I almost got away with it.

          “Yeah, you never mentioned what happened,” Harry murmured, wrapping his arms around my waist. Crap crap crap crap. What could I say?

          “Uh…..I was in the kitchen getting food….” I slowly said. The boys figured.

          “Figures,” Zayn said.

          “Hey! There’s nothing wrong with getting food!” Niall and me yelled. He flashed me a grin, and I laughed.

          “Hey Zayn, are you sure I’m your sister? ‘Cause I think this dude is my twin!” I said, holding up my hand. He gave me a quick high-five, laughing.

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