Chapter 48: Six

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          Everybody ended up singing random songs. It wasn’t an organized thing, like we did before. We just put my iPod on shuffle and sang whatever came on. It was really funny, especially when a One Direction song came on. We sang things like Call Me Maybe, Thrift Shop, Baby (Niall loved that one), Apologize, and a bunch of other songs. It was honestly one of the best moments of this whole trip. The other girls and I didn’t really interact, but at least they weren’t glaring at me. I stuck to Molly, the twins who eventually came back, and Rachel. She actually was a really nice person. She even apologized for everything she did, personally! But there was still one thing that bothered me………….


          “Tiffany?” I flinched, and turned around to see Rachel standing behind me. She looked at Molly, who quickly got up and went to talk to the others, and the twins, who scurried into the bedrooms.

          “Hey Rachel,” I said warily. “What’s up?”

          “I’m sorry!” she blurted out, and my eyebrows rose. “I’m sorry for everything I did to you. I’m sorry for all those horrible names I called you, for all those evil things I did. I’m sorry for taking your necklace, for yelling at you in the plane, for just plain everything!” She sobbed. The other girls glared at her, but she ignored them and sobbed. She fell to her knees, her head in her hands. I instantly reached over and hugged her tight.

          “Hey, it’s ok. I forgave you already.” Rachel looked up at me, surprised.

          “Really? Are you serious?”

          “Zombie serious,” I joked, grinning at her. Ha, get it? Because zombies are dead? So dead serious?....yeah, I’m weird. She smiled at me.

          “I hope we can be friends,” she said quietly. My grin grew wider.

          “Of course! I would be happy to have you as my friend!” She embraced me tightly.

          “Thank you.” She whispered. She pulled back, looking at me curiously. “But how could you ever forgive for all the awful stuff I did?”

          “Well, it’s not like you beat me up,” I said quietly, and she flinched. “And the zeroes and evil words on the paper were pretty harsh, but I’m just that kind of person,” I said, shrugging. She looked at me confused.

          “Zeroes? Evil words? What?”

          “Oh, come on, you’re not stupid. Don’t tell me you don’t remember already,” I teased. She shook her head.

          “No I remember. It’s just that…..I didn’t do anything like that. In fact, I didn’t even know anybody could give you zeroes! Although I think I can guess,” she said, glancing at the other girls. I gave her a look.

          “Are you serious? Then what did you give me?”

          “9s and 10s. You’re an amazing person, and really pretty,” she said, blushing. I blushed too, and hugged her tightly. My mind was racing. If Rachel was telling the truth then Molly must have……..

*Flashback Over*

          But Molly wouldn’t do that. I even confronted her later. She was totally confused- had no idea what I was talking about. She told me that she gave me 9s and 10s. So who should I believe? One of them wrote bad things about me.

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